Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3063 Maintenance is a must

Chapter 3063 Maintenance is a must

Lu Ziqun's eyes bulged out of fright, and he stammered, "Ten tens of thousands a month for face care? Is it RMB or Japanese yen?"

"Of course it's RMB. I'm not exaggerating. If you don't believe me, ask Siyue, she spends more than me." Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes.

Dong Siyue nodded with a smile, "I didn't calculate carefully, but the money to buy skin care products every month is definitely not less than [-]. There is no such thing as skin care products that are cheap and high-quality. The more expensive the better the effect. When you are young, you have collagen. For protein support, you can use cheap skin care products, but now that you are in your thirties, you can only use expensive skin care products, otherwise you really can’t see your face.”

Lu Ziqun was a little ashamed, she only used Yu Meijing, and it felt good after using it since she was a child, and it was economical, and she didn't lose skin after wiping it in winter, but after hearing what Ye Qingqing and the others said, she felt a little uncomfortable.

It turned out that the good things she thought were worthless in the eyes of rich people.

The world of the rich is really beyond what she can imagine.

"I don't have that much money to buy skin care products." Lu Ziqun smiled helplessly, she couldn't even bear a few hundred dollars.

"You can do it yourself, use pearl powder and egg white to make a mask, it doesn't cost much, and the effect is good, but you have to persist for a long time, and you can buy some skin care products, a set of hundreds of dollars, you can use small Half a year, with your current financial ability, it’s no problem at all, buy some cosmetics, make yourself beautiful, and you will feel beautiful when you look in the mirror. Be beautiful, why not do it!"

Ye Qingqing tried her best to brainwash Lu Ziqun. This girl was too stingy with herself. She couldn't bear to eat, wear, or dress up. She lived like an ascetic. She was so sorry for herself.

"I want to save even 100 yuan, how can I get 1000 yuan?" Lu Ziqun shook his head hurriedly.

Ye Qingqing frowned, "How much is your salary now?"

"The sum of seven or seven eighty-eight thousand a year is about 500 to [-]. Fortunately, I don't have to take care of the household. Yu Shaoning gives me [-] yuan a month for living expenses, and basically doesn't eat at home."

"Your salary is not too low, you can't even get 1000 yuan?" Ye Qingqing was puzzled.

Lu Ziqun settled the accounts for her, "Send 500 yuan to my parents for living expenses every month, 1 yuan a year, I eat and drink by myself, and I also have human relations, water, electricity and property fees for Xinyi's family, as well as bus money, and other things. For unexpected expenses, I spend at least 5 yuan a year, and the savings goal I set for myself is 1000 yuan a year.

"Don't your parents have retirement wages? Why do you send them living expenses?" Ye Qingqing didn't understand.

"It's not easy for them to raise me, so let's be filial." Lu Ziqun explained.

Ye Qingqing frowned, and persuaded: "Your parents can still move now, and you have retirement wages. You are living in a difficult situation. It doesn't matter if you don't send money for the time being. Your parents will understand. Don't rush to let your filial piety die just now. Tell your parents you want to buy a house, and they will definitely not let you send money again."

"My parents never let me send it. I sent it myself." Lu Ziqun explained.

Her parents did call repeatedly and refused to let her send money, but she didn't listen, thinking of staying away from her parents, she sent money to show her filial piety.

"Then you have to get through the difficulties first. After you buy a house, take your parents with you to be a filial piety. It is more filial than sending money." Ye Qingqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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