Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3081 Excellent Big Sister

Chapter 3081 Excellent Big Sister

"Qingqing, you have never met my elder sister. Alas, I didn't even dare to show my air in front of her. I sat upright. I was more nervous than facing the teaching director of my elementary school. Really, I am not exaggerating at all. I'm afraid that I will reflexively compromise at that time, alas, I dare not refute what Yu Anning asks me to do."

Lu Ziqun was embarrassed. She was cheerful, enthusiastic and generous when she was young, and she was not afraid of the scene or trouble, but since she entered the society, she has become less and less confident, and even more inferior in front of Yu Anning.

She felt that she was a high-ranking noble girl, but she was a lowly poor girl, not even qualified to stand beside Yu Anning.

"Qingqing, can you meet with me? You don't need to say anything, just to give me courage, and if I can't hold on anymore, you can kick me to remind me." Lu Ziqun asked pitifully.

She has no relatives here, and she has no good friends. She used to have a good relationship with Song Hongye, but after Song Hongye got married, she went back to Du Peiran's hometown. The longer the distance, the relationship naturally weakened, and it was difficult to think about it. Only Ye Qingqing was left.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Ye Qingqing agreed, and also wanted to meet this legendary elder sister, and see how scared Lu Ziqun was.

The meeting place was a coffee shop near the Medical University. Yu Anning had to go to work, and the appointment was at noon, and the coffee shop also had lunch. When Ye Qingqing and Lu Ziqun arrived, Yu Anning had already arrived and ordered two business meals.

Seeing Ye Qingqing, Yu Anning was very surprised, "Sorry, I don't know there are others, I'll add another one."

"You're welcome, I ate it at home. I'm Ye Qingqing, a classmate from Ziqun University, and I'm also her natal family. Hello." Ye Qingqing stretched out her hand to say hello.

Her first impression of Yu Anning was not bad, she looked like a sharp and courageous professional woman.

Yu Anning and his younger brother Yu Shaoning are seven or eight points similar, but the same red phoenix eyes have turned into peach blossom eyes on Yu Shaoning's face, while Yu Anning looks dignified and serious, what Xiangyou Xinsheng said is right. ,

Yu Anning is tall and slender, wearing a small black and gray suit, with a white shirt, her hair is coiled, her skin is fair, her face is pretty, and she has light makeup on, looking clean and fresh.

"Hi, I'm Yu Shaoning's older sister, Yu Anning."

Yu Anning also stretched out her hand, the palm of her hand was unusually cold, like an ice cube, Ye Qingqing almost withdrew her hand from the cold, Yu Anning felt her discomfort, and apologized: "My hand is a little cold."

Ye Qingqing smiled, looked at Yu Anning secretly, and found out that Yu Anning's complexion was not very good, her dark circles were also heavy, and there were many fine lines at the corners of her eyes. From a distance, Yu Anning was still young and beautiful, but up close I knew that she didn't take good care of herself. If she didn't wear makeup, she would definitely look ten years older.

Lu Ziqun said that Yu Anning is 46 this year, although he is not young, but if he takes care of himself properly and lives comfortably, with Yu Anning's financial conditions, he will not be so haggard. It is obvious that Yu Anning's life is not as perfect as Lu Ziqun said.

Everyone's life is full of chicken feathers, and so is the princess, except that their chicken feathers may be inlaid with gold, so the troubles are even heavier.

After sitting down, Yu Anning said, "I'm in a hurry, and I have a meeting in the afternoon, so let's talk while eating."

Lu Ziqun nodded, and started to eat. It was a steak set meal that is very common in cafes, and it tasted pretty good.

Continue tomorrow, the new book is being prepared, thinking about it makes my brain hurt~~

(End of this chapter)

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