Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3096 Advanced Gastric Cancer

Chapter 3096 Advanced Gastric Cancer

"I originally planned to wait for my daughter to go to college before divorcing. I have always planned this way. I never thought of letting Li Wensong go out of the house. Half of the property is enough." Yu Anning said with a wry smile.

Ye Qingqing didn't interrupt her, and she and Lu Ziqun listened quietly. She could see that Yu Anning was in a bad mood and was in a mess. There was a kind of desperate despair. What she needed now was to talk.

"But I don't have much time. I went for an examination and got the results yesterday. The gastric cancer is in the advanced stage. The doctor said that the hope of being cured is only 20.00%, or even less. If I don't have surgery, I should be able to survive for another six months."

Yu Anning spoke calmly, but it could be seen that she was sad, and her whole body was shrouded in sadness.

Lu Ziqun was so frightened that he almost dropped his glass, and said anxiously, "Maybe it's a misdiagnosis. There are many people who are misdiagnosed now. Go to other hospitals for more checkups."

Yu Anning smiled, "I'm looking for the best oncologist in Pingjiang. He is my high school classmate. He personally checked me, so there is no mistake."

Originally, she wanted to go to the hospital for a physical examination, but it was a coincidence that day, she ran into this old classmate during dinner, and the two chatted for a while, and she inquired about the medical examination procedures of the hospital. checked.

The old classmate heard her say that her stomach always hurts, so she asked about her usual symptoms with concern, and the more she listened, the more serious she asked her to take time to go to him for an examination. The result was only obtained yesterday, and the old classmate did not hide it from her, and told her told the truth and advised her to undergo surgery.

Yu Anning's first reaction at that time was not to perform an operation, but to arrange a way out for her daughter. After she died, only her daughter would be left. She had to make arrangements, otherwise she would die in peace.

Ye Qingqing frowned, no wonder Yu Anning was in a hurry to get a divorce, and wanted to take over all her property. Li Wensong had several lovers outside, and they also transferred their property. It can be seen that this man has no affection for Yu Anning, and of course he has no affection for his daughter. How much father-daughter love will there be.

Moreover, Li Wensong was only about 50 years old, and he was in the prime of life. After Yu Anning died, he would definitely find another woman, young and beautiful, and it was very possible to have another child. If he gave birth to a son, Yu Anning's daughter's status would be embarrassing.

"Are you trying to rob your daughter of property?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Yu Anning nodded, "Li Wensong's parents have always wanted to have a grandson, and Li Wensong himself is the same. Their family is a bit patriarchal, so Li Wensong has found a lot of lovers outside. As long as I die, he will definitely marry a young wife and have a second child." My daughter's rights and interests will be violated if my son does, I will not allow this to happen, most of the [-] million property is earned by my investment, and I must not make it easier for outsiders."

"Yes, we can't take advantage of outsiders. They don't keep a penny. They simply snatch the law firm and let that bastard bare his pants." Lu Ziqun was filled with righteous indignation.

Yu Anning smiled slightly, "I can't have a law firm. Li Wensong still has to support my daughter. This is the source of their father and daughter's livelihood, and we can't push the Li family. It will be even more difficult if they come to a dead end."

Ye Qingqing nodded in agreement, and admired Yu Anning even more. This woman is extremely intelligent, but it's a pity that she had a bad life and met a scumbag.

"Lawyer Guo, I can contact you for you, but in fact, you still have another way, and I can cure you." Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

Yu Anning's calm and unwavering face suddenly froze, and he couldn't believe his ears. Even an old classmate who was such a powerful expert was not sure. Where did Ye Qingqing have the confidence?

(End of this chapter)

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