Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3100 Crying children have candy

Chapter 3100 Crying children have candy

Seeing Yu Anning's success, her mother changed her mind again, saying that the reason why she can achieve her current achievements is because she and her father entrusted her relationship back then.

Hehe, that so-called relationship is just a small bank clerk, and she is in dire straits, so she has no time to help her, and she quit the so-called relationship in the second year of working in the bank.

She was able to get to where she is today, all thanks to herself, without anyone's help, Yu Anning can say frankly.

And it is because of this job that Yu Anning can live confidently and confidently, and her thoughts will not be influenced by anyone, including her parents.

Yu Anning was really entangled in asking her to quit her job suddenly. It took her 20 years to get to her current position, and she spent her best years in this job.

It is no exaggeration to say that she spends more time at work than with her husband and daughter. For her, work is not just work, it is already a part of her life, and she really cannot give it up.

"I... I really can't let it go. I started working at the age of 23 and have worked for 23 years. I haven't taken a day off, even if I haven't finished my maternity leave. I..." Yu Anning smiled helplessly, "I will Pay attention to rest, and do less work, but it's really hard to let go all at once."

Although Ye Qingqing understood, she didn't support it. She said bluntly, "I admire your dedication, but I don't agree. Do you think it's an honor to work after maternity leave? I just think you are very sad. Your body belongs to you." , No matter how much money you have, you can’t buy your health back. You have overdrawn your health in exchange for your current wealth and status, but you have a life to earn but a life to spend, money will only benefit outsiders in the end.”

Yu Anning's complexion changed slightly, what Ye Qingqing said was exactly what she was most worried about, if she hadn't met Ye Qingqing, what she was most concerned about was who would keep the money, even if her parents were worried, her younger brother Yu Shaoning was even more worried. Just not a reliable person.

Ye Qingqing continued, "If you hadn't met me, you would have been prepared to die, am I right?"

Yu Anning nodded.

"Even if you win the lawsuit, but you are gone, you have to find someone to take care of such a large sum of money. After all, your daughter is underage, so you can only find your parents, but you really think your parents will be impartial. keep the money?" Ye Qingqing asked back.

Yu Anning's heart skipped a beat, but she couldn't say the word 'will' with peace of mind.

Ye Qingqing pointed out unceremoniously, "Don't look at your parents scolding your younger brother fiercely, but what they love most is your younger brother. There is no need for a crying child. You are so sick. Your parents treat you a little If you care more, you will realize that something is wrong with your health, and if your money is in their hands, it is very likely that more than half or even all of it will be given to their son, and the granddaughter will never kiss her son again."

Yu Anning bit her lip, she had never dared to think in this direction, but what Ye Qingqing said was exactly what she was worried about. When Yu Shaoning bought a wedding house, her parents couldn't afford the down payment, so they asked her to borrow 30. Now Haven't paid it back yet, and haven't even mentioned it in these years.

Ye Qingqing asked again: "Who took your daughter the most when she was young?"

It's definitely not Yu Anning, she is a desperate Saburo, she doesn't even have time to drink hot water, how can she have time to take care of her daughter.

"Yes... her grandparents, they have always taken care of her. Li Wensong and I are very busy with work." Yu Anning explained.

(End of this chapter)

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