Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3106 Black Dog Town House

Chapter 3106 Black Dog Town House

"Hehe, I also feel that my luck is coming. Living in a villa doesn't feel too good. I will raise a dog to look after the house after a while. Living alone has a rash." Lu Ziqun had already stayed for one night, but the first time The next day, I moved back to the school dormitory. The house was too big, empty and scary.

Ye Qingqing gave her an idea to raise a black dog to guard the house. The black dog is full of yang, and evil things will definitely not dare to come to the house. Lu Ziqun thinks it makes sense. There is no limit, as long as it is dark enough, but such a dog is too rare, and I haven't found it for several days.

Lu Ziqun is not in a hurry, he entrusted someone to look for him slowly in the dog market, and it is best to be a rural dog, not picky and loyal, much better than those pet dogs. In the past, every household in the countryside would raise a native dog to guard the house. What did the owner eat? Dogs eat whatever they want, leftovers and leftover soup mixed with some rice is a delicious meal for pastoral dogs. If the owner does not feed them, they will not go to the kitchen to steal food. They would rather be hungry or go out to find food by themselves.

Moreover, the pastoral dog is loyal and loyal. It is a real warrior who can guard the house and guard the yard to drive away the thieves. You don’t have to worry about the dog getting sick. If you feel a little uncomfortable, the dog will go outside to find herbs to eat. It will be fine in a while, which is really worry-free. .

I don’t know when, the pastoral dog has become a delicacy on the dining table, but the Chinese people are scrambling to raise imported foreign dogs. Of course, those foreign dogs are also very good. Dogs are spiritual, no matter what breed they are. Very good, it's just the treatment of pastoral dogs, but it's really embarrassing.

Ye Qingqing suggested that Lu Ziqun raise a garden dog. She also thought the same way. Pet dogs are expensive, and it takes too much effort to keep them. If you don’t eat this one, you will get sick every now and then. Now people are not as expensive as dogs to see a doctor. Special shampoo and care products, as well as dog food and snacks, raising a pet dog can cost as little as a thousand yuan a month, how can Lu Ziqun be willing to do it, she can't spend 1000 yuan a month by herself!

Yu Anning also suggested: "Get a dog, it can take care of the house and strengthen your courage. It's not safe for you to live alone as a woman."

"Well, I've asked someone to contact her. Qingqing said it's good to raise a black dog. I'll wait." Lu Ziqun nodded with a smile.

Yu Anning smiled, feeling very emotional in her heart. Before the divorce, Lu Ziqun was silent, like a piece of wood. At that time, she really didn't think much of Lu Ziqun, but now after the divorce, Lu Ziqun is much more lively and cheerful. Well, even if she doesn't look good, she looks much more lively and interesting than the wooden one before. I think it won't take long for Lu Ziqun to meet someone who appreciates her sincerely!

"You are much more lively now, which is good." Yu Anning couldn't help but say.

Lu Ziqun was a little embarrassed, Ye Qingqing said: "She used to be very lively, and the group activities in the class were all organized by Ziqun. She was the class monitor at that time, and we always looked for Ziqun when we had something to do. You have become dull since you were young, and it is your family's responsibility, the cold violence of your parents and younger brother is too hurtful."

"Not all, I am also responsible."

Lu Ziqun hurriedly said something, worried that Yu Anning was not feeling well and was still sick.

And she really felt that she had to bear the main responsibility, and she couldn't blame Yu Shaoning and his parents entirely.

Yu Anning smiled nonchalantly, "I understand, they... well, it's really uncomfortable, just leave now, and I will meet a good man who really loves you in the future, and live a good life."

Lu Ziqun is still young, so he will definitely have a chance to start over, what about her?

(End of this chapter)

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