Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3115 Hanhan's happy life

Chapter 3115 Hanhan's happy life

Afterwards, his wife, Mu Nan, came down to coax Master Nie back home. He listened to Master Nie’s [-] whys along the way. In China, reciprocity is a virtue.

But his master is stupid, so it is useless to say that, he can't understand it at all, he can only drill into a dead end, and his wife, Mu Nan, has selfish intentions and wants to further develop the relationship between master and apprentice, so he doesn't bother to explain, let Nie The master continued the beautiful misunderstanding.

After my cousin found out about this, she scolded Master Nie and ran to Quanzi to speak kindly to Quanzi, telling her not to argue with Hanhan and just treat him as crazy. Of course Quanzi was not angry. I still think it's funny, I have never seen a man who is more stupid than Master Nie, he is so cute.

But stupid people have stupid blessings. Master Nie’s first bold proposal left a deep impression on Quanzi. After that, she also secretly noticed this man. It was no longer a polite business relationship. From time to time, the family talked about some interesting things about Master, and Quanzi got to know Master Nie better.

After a long time, these two people came together naturally, everything was a matter of course, there was no vigorous love, just a pure life, they didn't have wine, and Quanzi refused to let the party, she was afraid of embarrassment, after all, it was a second marriage , and a lot of age.

Master Nie always listened to her anyway. He used to listen to his cousin, and after he got married, he listened to his wife. Anyway, he didn't worry about it. Quanzi also enjoyed being relied on. She took care of everything for Master Nie, better than his cousin before. Still working hard, Master Nie used to be a bit slovenly, but he became a handsome uncle after getting married, all thanks to Quanzi.

Quanzi's life after marriage is also very satisfactory, because Master Nie never interferes with her life, she can do whatever she wants, and there are no complicated etiquettes in the husband and wife's family. Get up at ten o'clock, and no one will say that you have not fulfilled your responsibilities as a wife.

This kind of life makes Quanzi feel more relaxed and younger and more beautiful. A happy marriage can make a woman radiant, but an unfortunate marriage will wear down a woman's aura. Therefore, women do not need to buy expensive cosmetics, but they must marry the right husband .

Today, Izumi is dressed very elegantly. The milky white cashmere coat complements her complexion very well. Her shiny black hair is tied into a bun. It is simple and elegant. She only wears light makeup and does not wear too many accessories. She only wears white. Pearl earrings, and an exquisite watch, and the bag is a classic LV plaid model, which looks at most forty years old.

Zhu Zi and Quanzi also knew each other. He asked Quanzi for a small mirror, and put it in front of Ye Qingqing without saying a word.

The mirror was too small, only a sausage mouth was seen, Ye Qingqing didn't realize it for a while, she was still thinking about which ugly mouth it was, but soon she came back to her senses, grabbed the mirror and took another picture, and saw His embarrassed face.

Her eyes are red and swollen, her makeup is a bit sloppy, and the ugliest thing is her mouth, which is similar to Ouyang Feng in "East and West". How can she see people?

Ye Qingqing glared at Lu Mo, knowing that she was lying to her, and those two little bastards, who couldn't beat them to death after returning home, Ye Qingqing stared at her son and daughter murderously, and looked at her youngest son, An An, with softer eyes , or this little guy is caring.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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