Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3137 A few loves that ended without a disease

Chapter 3137 A few loves that ended without a disease

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo went to have lunch together. The young couple will go on their honeymoon tomorrow. They plan to travel all over Europe, and they will need it for a month.

In the alley, I met Zhaodi who I hadn’t seen for a long time. She is now the financial director of the machinery factory. not married.

Zhaodi is in good shape, with exquisite makeup, well-dressed, and capable temperament. Although she is old, she looks better than when she was a girl. She also came back to eat. She entered the alley at about the same time as Ye Qingqing, and saw it from afar. I greeted you warmly.

"Aren't you here to have Huimen wine? Xiaotong and Tiantian are going on their honeymoon, right?"

Zhaodi also went to drink on the day of her wedding. She often went back to her mother's house, and she was very familiar with Xiaotong Tiantian, but her tone sounded a little envious, after all, she had never been married, nor had a honeymoon.

Zhaodi, who is about to run to her fourth year, has been in love for a few times, but they all ended without a problem, and Zhaodi unilaterally proposed to break up.

Some of those men were introduced by others, and some recruited themselves. There were teachers, doctors, and engineers. All of them had good careers, and all of them had a bachelor’s degree or above. Recruiting men with poor conditions based on their own conditions Zhaodi didn't even think about it, so she just passed it.

But those men who are elite in the eyes of others are nothing more than that in Zhaodi’s eyes. After getting along for a while, Zhaodi became more and more tired. She couldn’t even survive the dating period, let alone get married, so it’s better to break up. .

After a few love affairs died young, the thought of recruiting Di to marry has also faded. Anyway, she is already a leftover woman, so she simply no longer marries for the sake of marriage. single.

When I get old, I will go to a high-end nursing home, and I don’t have to worry about no one to take care of me. As for her mother and brother talking about letting her nephew take care of the elderly, Zhao Di never even thought about it. Her brother and sister-in-law have a wishful thinking. Huh, she is not that stupid, she will never hand over the money until the moment she closes her eyes.

"Have a home-cooked drink today, and leave to go to Europe for honeymoon in the evening, the air ticket has already been booked, Miss Zhaodi, you are getting more and more beautiful." Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

Half compliment, half truth.

Zhaodi is indeed much more foreign and beautiful than before. Women rely on their appearance to the fullest, and money is the greatest confidence. Now that Zhaodi has money, time, vision and experience, she is naturally extraordinary.

"The foundation is here, no matter how beautiful it is, it's just like this. I won't delay you. I'll go shopping together someday, and I'll call you to make an appointment." Zhaodi seemed to be in a hurry, and her face was full of peach blossoms.

Ye Qingqing's heart moved, and she joked, "Miss Zhaodi is going on a blind date? I see you have a peach blossom on your face, and you are going to be lucky."

Zhaodi was generous and didn't hide it, "I've already met, and I've been in touch recently, and it feels pretty good, and I made an appointment for dinner later."

"Congratulations, what does the other party do?" Ye Qingqing was really happy for Zhaodi.

"The expert who came back from country M, the oncologist at the First Hospital, performed very well. His wife is divorced, and he has a son who is studying abroad. He is ten years older than me, but he doesn't look old. He is gentle and elegant. He feels pretty good." Zhao Di talked about the man's situation, and she was very satisfied.

The main reason is that the conditions of the men are very good, unlike those men in the past, all of them wanted her property, which made Zhaodi very nervous.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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