Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3143 Misunderstanding

Chapter 3143 Misunderstanding

Ye Qingqing looked at Qi Wenyuan a few more times, this man did not hide his concern for Yu Anning at all, and this kind of concern has gone beyond the boundary between friends.

But Yu Anning said with certainty that Qi Wenyuan has a wife and children, is there a misunderstanding?

"The chicken soup is ready."

The little pig came over with a bowl of chicken soup and the broken chicken. The little pig carefully removed the bones. There was not much chicken, and there was only one bowl of soup and meat.

"Eat them all." Ye Qingqing said.

Yu Anning took the soup. Thinking of the poisonous snake just now, he was a little disgusted, but in order to live, he had to eat it no matter how disgusting it was. Qi Wenyuan looked hesitant and wanted to stop Yu Anning. He was worried that someone would die. With the medical knowledge he had learned, this bowl Chicken soup is a poisonous soup that kills people. If you eat it, you will definitely die suddenly.

But it is true that the pills that Ye Qingqing gave Yu Anning were effective. Qi Wenyuan was worried that Yu Anning's treatment would be delayed, and he was extremely conflicted. His character was a bit indecisive, otherwise he would not have separated from Yu Anning back then.

During this hesitation, Yu Anning had already drank half a bowl of chicken soup, and it was too late to stop him, Qi Wenyuan sighed, and had to watch Yu Anning drink all the chicken soup.

Less than a quarter of an hour after drinking the soup, Yu Anning started to have an attack. He vomited several mouthfuls of black blood clots, but Qi Wenyuan felt relieved. The black blood clots are the toxins in Yu Anning's body, which shows that the method of fighting poison with poison is effective.

Ye Qingqing calmly let Xiaozhu support Yu Anning to lie on the couch, then started acupuncture, followed by the leeches sucking out the poisonous blood, all of this made Qi Wenyuan feel very novel, he had only heard people say that Chinese medicine is a pseudoscience before, Although he disagreed with such a statement, he didn't think that Chinese medicine was so great. Now it seems that he is too superficial.

Traditional Chinese medicine, which has been passed down for thousands of years, naturally has its magic. Both Chinese and Western medicine have their own advantages, and one cannot be belittled in general.

Yu Anning vomited out a lot of blood clots, and the leeches also sucked a lot of blood. She lay down in a dazed state, her face was pale, less strong than usual, and more weak. Qi Wenyuan wiped the sweat on Yu Anning's forehead with a handkerchief, There is only pity on the face.

After falling asleep for half an hour, Yu Anning woke up leisurely. Although her body was very weak, she felt her body was relaxed.

"Come back after half a month to eat the remaining half chicken. The diet for this half month must follow my menu. There must be no mistakes at all. You must also take the pills on time. You must fall asleep before ten o'clock in the evening. If you If you can’t do it, you don’t need to seek treatment from me in the future, don’t ruin my reputation.”

Ye Qingqing handed the menu and pills to Yu Anning, and specifically told her that this woman is a workaholic, and she will die if she is in better health.

Yu Anning nodded, "I will do it, my job is very easy now, and I will retire after a few more years."

Now she just wants to live well, enjoy life, and go to hell with her work!

Qi Wenyuan glanced at Yu Anning, hesitant to speak, but finally said nothing, Ye Qingqing was a bystander, and felt that there might be a lot of misunderstandings between the two, but they both had feelings for each other, and they didn't know what the misunderstanding was. Let the two be separated for decades.

Yu Anning's first treatment session was very effective, and her stomach pains were relieved a lot. The second time she came alone, Qi Wenyuan didn't come.

"I refused. I can't always bother him, and it's not good for his wife to find out." Yu Anning took the initiative to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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