Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3154 There Are Still Good Men

Chapter 3154 There Are Still Good Men

Ye Qingqing said angrily: "You are not old now, if you make yourself beautiful, peach blossoms will naturally fall on your head. To be honest, with your previous image, I would look down on you as a man, and you have no impulse at all! "

"No, men have always been visual animals, whether they are doctors or farmers. This is the essence of men, and has nothing to do with knowledge and self-cultivation. Otherwise, why do old men like to marry young and beautiful ones, because they like it." Song Song Hongye said with a sneer, feeling somewhat cynical.

"It can't be beaten to death with a stick. There are still good men, and my Xi Murong is okay." Qian Manduo disagreed, and she was still very satisfied with her man.

Ye Qingqing also said, "My family Lu Mo is also very good, Hong Ye, you are a bit generalized, is there something wrong with your family's old Du outside?"

Song Hongye's complexion changed, and she gritted her teeth and scolded: "When did he have any problems, he has never been clean, I was just confused at the beginning, knowing that this bastard is not stable, and I jumped into the fire pit with my brain. "

The topic suddenly came to Song Hongye, she seemed to hold back for a long time, and couldn't help pouring out bitter water.

"That is to say, be more honest in the first year of marriage. I started to have problems when I was pregnant with the eldest. Although the clothes were clean, they always smelled of perfume. I don't use perfume. Is this perfume from a wild woman or someone else? Besides Sun Yurong, I also saw a lot of text messages signed by 10086, hehe..."

Song Hongye sneered, "I really thought it was a message from the mobile company, but one day I clicked on it and saw that Quan Te's mother was an ambiguous text message from a woman, and there was a vixen who actually called her husband and asked him out for dinner. , One time this 10086 call came home, Du Peiran thought I didn't know, and pretended to call that vixen, damn it, I wanted to smash that bastard to death with a hammer!"

If it wasn't for the sake of the two children, Song Hongye would really kill Du Peiran.

She is a surgeon, and she is good at scalpels. It takes only a few minutes to kill Du Peiran, but this bastard is really good to the children. No matter how busy she is, she will take time to play with the children. As a daughter, the relationship with her father is still deep with her, Song Hongye is angry and jealous.

Her exhausted child, who doesn't kiss her, but kisses that bastard, is a fucking little white-eyed wolf.

"Then you can bear it? Who is that vixen? It can't be Sun Yurong?" Lu Ziqun was also angry. She and Song Hongye had always been very close, but it only faded in the middle, but they kept in touch with each other often, and the relationship naturally deepened.

Song Hongye shook his head, "No, that bitch thinks, Du Peiran doesn't have the guts, and the 10086 is not fixed, it will be changed every now and then, it should be Du Peiran's female clients, I don't know them either, Du Peiran told me it was just a joke, no It will come true, hmph, who will believe him, I am not a three-year-old child."

"I must have lied to you. How could a man not steal? It's all brought to his lips. Can Du Peiran not take a bite? Besides, Du Peiran was not very disciplined when he was in college, and he had countless objects. Hongye, can you Don't take it lightly." Lu Ziqun reminded.

Song Hongye nodded, "Yes, I only care about the wallet now, and the house and deposits are all in my hands. Fortunately, my parents-in-law and mother-in-law are also helping me, so Du Peiran is not allowed to manage the money, and I am the legal representative of the company. To be honest, I don't The divorce is really for the sake of the parents-in-law and the two children, otherwise this bastard would have been kicked."

(End of this chapter)

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