Chapter 3157 Heavy Memories

Song Hongye sighed and said with a wry smile: "I know, I won't get divorced, I just complain. Compared with your scumbag ex-husband, my old Du is really good. You are right, I will spare time Have a good chat with Lao Du, a lifetime is so long, if I don’t make it clear, I’m afraid the gap between us will get deeper and deeper.”

"It's good to talk about it. This is how the couple live. It's impossible to not have a little stumbling. In life, there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things. Let's live in a muddle-headed way." Lu Ziqun persuaded with a smile.

After the divorce, she lived a more transparent life. Life is short, so she can't always worry about one thing and think about happy things.

Song Hongye also smiled, and pouted at Ye Qingqing and Qian Manduo, "The two of them live a more comfortable life than the two of us. Qingqing has always been a winner in life, and Manduo is getting more and more beautiful now. It can be seen that Xi Murong Treat her very well, and she doesn't have to worry about it."

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, and said half-truthfully: "No one is smooth sailing, everyone has ups and downs, and your ups and downs are at most worrying people. If I can't get over it, I will die."

"It's not that exaggerated, you're not..."

Lu Ziqun stopped suddenly. She thought of what Sang Huaiyuan said on the day of Ye Tong's wedding. Ye Qingqing lived alone with his brother who was not very good-minded.

She couldn't help being curious, and asked: "You and your brother had a hard time when you were young, right?"

"I have never suffered in life. I don't have to worry about food or clothing. But surrounded by a pack of wolves, everyone wants my property. That's how my mother died. If I don't wake up in time, I will die too." Die at their hands." Ye Qingqing said lightly.

Lu Ziqun and the others were shocked. They thought it was just a difficult life, but they didn't expect it to be a bloody storm, and people died.

"You... your mother was murdered?" Lu Ziqun stammered, his back feeling a little cold.

I lived in a peaceful age when I was a child, and I thought that the biggest evil was just stealing. It's too scary to think that my friends around me would be involved in a murder case.

"Yes, I died of dystocia. I was five years old at the time. My mother's dystocia was tampered with. My brother also had mental problems because of it. My father was also caused to jump into the river and almost died. His brain was injured and he lost his memory. I I found him when I was 17."

Speaking of the past, Ye Qingqing was already very calm, not as angry and unwilling as before, now she was just a little melancholy, she had let go of the hatred and pain of her previous life.

Lu Ziqun and the others couldn't help but sigh, what happened on TV actually appeared next to them, surrounded by a group of wolves who want to kill you, it's not easy for Ye Qingqing to survive.

"It's a crime to be pregnant!"

Song Hongye said with emotion, it seems that Ye Qingqing must have a lot of property, otherwise she would not be killed and her family was ruined. She used to envy Ye Qingqing's superior family background, but now she is lucky. With her pigheaded IQ, if she is in the Ye Qingqing's situation will definitely be swallowed up to the bone.

Xiao Fu's peace is the kingly way. Her life is quite good now, so she must be content.

The atmosphere was a bit heavy, Ye Qingqing smiled, "These things are over, my family's enemies have not come to a good end, I am living a good life now, by the way, Sun Yurong will bring Yu Shaoning to the party, that scumbag must definitely come .”

Eight thousand is over, continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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