Chapter 3165 Thanks

This elder is Miao Tianxiang. She has strong relationships with many fashion luxury brand companies, such as Chanel, Dior, LV, etc., which are actually Miao Tianxiang's daily outfits. Real luxury brands do not actually trade in the market. It only serves a small group of top rich people, and the common people have never even heard of it.

After getting to know Miao Tianxiang a little bit, Ye Qingqing felt that she would never be able to reach that level in her entire life, nor would she be able to live that kind of extravagant and wasteful life.

So when Miao Tianxiang proposed to bring her into that circle, Ye Qingqing refused, she couldn't adapt and didn't want to adapt.

Miao Tianxiang didn't force her, in fact, she didn't like it too much, but the most important thing in business is the circle, if you want to make money, you have to deal with those people.

The more understatement Ye Qingqing said, the more shocked everyone was. In the past, Ye Qingqing's husband was only able to make money, but he didn't expect that his family background is also very powerful. The elders can make friends with the design director of a luxury brand. Birds of a feather flock together, which shows Ye Qingqing's kindness. The elders are not ordinary people either!

"You rich people are poor, and a bag is the wages of ordinary people for more than ten years." Someone said enviously.

Ye Qingqing deliberately said: "I'm not rich, but Sun Yurong is."

Song Hongye immediately echoed, "That's right, we are nothing to Sun Yurong, she is the real rich woman, she has been having a lot of happy events recently, she got pregnant after getting married, double happiness!"

Sun Yurong gritted her teeth secretly, and forced a smile, "You guys feel sorry for me, my little money is nothing, you are all bosses of big companies, each worth hundreds of millions, why bother to run on me!"

"We are the company's assets, not cash. Your worth is real cash. That's the real money. Now let me and Lao Du take out 500 million at once, but we can't get it out. Lao Du, you say yes Isn't it?" Song Hongye looked coldly at Du Peiran who was smiling dryly.

Du Peiran shivered, and cold sweat rolled down his back. He was quite heartwarming at first, but his wife organized such a lively birthday party for him, which showed that she had him in her heart.

Only now did he know that Dare love his birthday was just a cover, and that the Hongmen Banquet was to deal with that goblin Sun Yurong!

Du Peiran was very guilty. He had an affair with Sun Yurong before, and it was unclear in the past few years, but there was definitely nothing substantive about it.

The woman who comes to the door for free will lose money if she doesn't flirt. Du Peiran will not refuse anyone who comes anyway.

Du Peiran thought that Song Hongye had found out about the incident between him and Sun Yurong before, and his eyes darkened with guilt, so he didn't say no, and nodded vigorously, "Yes, don't say 500 million, even 100 million can't come out, really no money."

Maybe an old classmate asked his daughter-in-law to borrow money, and the daughter-in-law was embarrassed and said she would not borrow money, so she just cried poor at the party.

Du Peiran felt relieved, as long as he didn't treat him, he sighed exaggeratedly, "It's hard to make money now, my company has a big shop, and I really don't have much money in the account, life is not as easy as you !"

Song Hongye stared angrily, pretending to be smart, who made him behave badly?

Those who didn't know thought they were going bankrupt!

Sun Yurong snorted, "Don't cry about being poor, we don't ask you to borrow money, my stomach is not feeling well, I'm going home first, and I'll treat my old classmates to dinner another day."

As she said that, she was about to get up and leave, there was no need for Hongmenyan to stay any longer.

Song Hongye sneered, and deliberately said, "Ziqun, you still haven't thanked Sun Yurong, didn't you always want to thank her before?"

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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