Chapter 3169

"That's right, that Yu Shaoning looks flirtatious at first glance, how could he resist sticking to only one woman, and Sun Yurong gave birth to a child for this kind of man, she is really out of her mind."

"The name of the picture, after all, is the wife of an associate professor. The reputation is so good. Sun Yurong has earned enough money, so he naturally thinks about fame." Someone made a precise analysis, and Sun Yurong really thought so.

"I have to find a good name for the picture, right? What good name can this kind of scumbag give her? But don't get nothing when the time comes when she's out of money and money."

"Can a good man fall in love with her? They are also quite suitable, all the same."


All the speakers were women, and the male students were collectively silent. Although Sun Yurong was indeed despicable, men still didn't want to gossip about her behind her back. After all, men still have a lot of tolerance for beautiful women, and it's not like their heads are green anyway.

Du Peiran's expression was embarrassing, his eyes sparkled, and he didn't dare to face Song Hongye squarely.

Song Hongye sneered secretly, leaned into his ear and whispered, "With her, you are at best a spare tire."

Du Pei felt a cold back, straightened up immediately, and hurriedly explained, "I haven't contacted her for 800 years. Really, I didn't lie to you."

Song Hongye looked at him with a half-smile, and said sarcastically, "I haven't contacted her anymore, and I've gotten involved with 10086 customer service. Are you so proud?"

Du Peiran swallowed hard, with cold sweat streaming down his back, he forced a smile and said, "It's just...just joking, I don't have any money with me, so what can I do."

Song Hongye snorted coldly, rolled her eyes, "Go home and settle the score."

She doesn't allow it, even if it's a mouthful.

This is mental derailment, and she is also troubled.

Everyone was immersed in the heated discussion and had no time to care about the birthday guy tonight. Du Peiran heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his brow. He really wasn't lying, he was just flirting with those women, and he didn't do anything serious.

Women nowadays are very realistic, how can they generate electricity for love without money, even Gu Tianle, if he wants to prostitute for free, it depends on whether the woman is in a good mood!

Once or twice, I can agree, after all, there are still many women who are greedy for their bodies, but if you try prostitution for decades, which woman is willing to do it?

There are only two kinds of people who generate electricity for love, one is a saint and the other is a fool.

Most women are neither saints nor fools, so it is better not to think about such a good thing. Let's live with your wife and children with peace of mind, and you will be satisfied with the occasional flirting.

"Did you see that man just now almost pushed Sun Yurong down, tsk, Sun Yurong is pregnant now, this man can do it, it shows that he doesn't really love Sun Yurong that much, he just wants her money."

A female classmate suddenly said something, the atmosphere stagnated, and suddenly became enthusiastic again.

"If it's not for her money, what else can she do? Sun Yurong is not young anymore, she is old, and she has slept with so many men. Apart from money, she has nothing else to offer." Another female classmate looked contemptuous, More of course jealousy.

God is really blind, how can Sun Yurong live so comfortably, she should be poor.

"Don't mention Sun Yurong. Whether she will live well in the future has nothing to do with us. Tonight is my old Du's birthday. Let's talk about something clean." Song Hongye ended the topic.

Enough is enough, she has to take care of Du Peiran's mood, after all, she had an affair with him back then, she would definitely be unhappy if she talked too much, the man's self-esteem still needs to be maintained.

That's it for today, good night

(End of this chapter)

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