Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 317 The Old Lady Has Fallen

Chapter 317 The Old Lady Has Fallen

"Then what should I do?" The old lady couldn't wait to see Wu Qing, she didn't want to wait for a quarter of an hour.

But his son's concerns were also right. Before Ye Zhiguo figured out what was going on in his mind, it was really not appropriate for him to come to recognize his relatives.

Sun Qiuyun said: "Just wait until tomorrow, it's safe during the day, call Qing girl and ask her to come."

The old lady sighed, "That's the only way to go, alas, I have to wait all night."

Sun Qiuyun comforted: "We have waited for nearly 20 years, and it's okay to wait another night. Mother, you must be happy, a beautiful granddaughter suddenly fell from the sky, how beautiful!"

The old lady turned her sorrow into joy, and smiled, "Yes, I am satisfied, Mingcheng finally has a queen, and she is still such a good girl, let's talk about it tomorrow after eating!"

With the good news, everyone's appetite improved a lot and they were beaming.

Ye Qingqing has some troubles here, of course it's not her own troubles, but the old lady.

For some reason, the old lady suddenly had diarrhea. She started to have diarrhea yesterday, and she was able to stop it the first day, but on the second day, the old lady, who had not been defeated by the three-year famine, was knocked down by the diarrhea. Lying in bed and unable to get up, Ye Qingqing had to help her to go to the bathroom.


The old lady sat weakly on the toilet, her black and thin face became pale, without a trace of blood, she couldn't sit still, Ye Qingqing had to support her, otherwise she would slide down.

Ye Qingqing wrinkled her nose tightly, suppressing her nausea, the feeling of going to the toilet with someone was really ecstasy, especially when she heard those crackling sounds and bursts of 'strange fragrance', she wished she could cut her nose off.

But she still sympathizes with the old lady. Diarrhea is too much to suffer. It only lasted one night. The old lady who used to be so energetic that she could kill a cow can't even crush ants to death now.

Moreover, the old lady's appetite was gone, so she could barely drink some porridge, and she didn't dare to eat more. After eating, she would have diarrhea and couldn't keep it in her stomach.


The old lady groaned and pulled out nothing for a long time. In addition, the toilet paper from Ye's family was very hard. Because the old lady pursued economy, after the toilet paper Shen Yanhong bought was used up, she quickly bought back the hard paper. papyrus.

Ye Qingqing never used those straw paper, neither did Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong, the straw paper was so hard that it could cut flesh, the chrysanthemum was the most delicate, and it would bleed if you were not careful, who could bear it?

Only the old lady is not afraid, she has been using these straw papers all the time, she didn't feel anything before, but now...

Going to the toilet more than a dozen times a day, even the old chrysanthemum couldn't bear the torment, the old lady finally couldn't stop it, and wiped the blood on a piece of paper.

The chrysanthemum is broken.

"Oh...Grandma don't use these toilet paper, I'll get you toilet paper."

Ye Qingqing was startled, although she felt sorry for the old lady a little bit, she still found it funny, she hurried to get toilet paper for the old lady.

She used the best toilet paper, it was white and soft, and had a faint fragrance, even if someone who died once, Ye Qingqing would not treat herself badly on personal items even if she was short of money.

Try to use the best as conditions permit!

The old lady took the high-grade toilet paper that she had never seen in her life, her expression changed, and she couldn't help asking: "How much money is this paper?"

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and she deliberately lowered her voice, "It's not expensive, it costs one yuan a pack."

In fact, it's a five-pack, the best in the store, no matter how expensive it is, you have to go to the mall to buy imported ones, it costs several dollars a pack, Ye Qingqing can't afford it.

"How many sheets in a pack?" the old lady asked hoarsely.

Ye Qingqing couldn't laugh or cry, she couldn't stand it anymore, and she cared so much about the price of toilet paper, this old lady really...

Update [-] first, and then update [-] at least later, because the results are not bad, and it is because of the support of treasurers that Lao Yang has achieved a little achievement. Thank you, so as long as I can, I will definitely update more.

Thank you Baby Doll for the 50000 tip, thank Xianke for the 50000 tip, thank Awo and Yuexia Wumeiren for the 20000 tip, thank Dongyue Lixiao for the 13000 tip, thank you Youyou Xishui for the 10000 tip, and thank you Mi Yami Chongchong, Miefeng, Ajiangjiang, Xuewu Bingxin, jly69, for 1000 rewards, thanks to Pangpangyun13, book friends 2018****8181, a4318, Xiaoxiaotaoyaoyao, the flying bottle, The sea and the sky 109, the breeze doll, strolling in the garden without confusion, Uncle Lin, jgj the corner of the golden cabinet, I dance and I see, a miracle life 123,?Heart Demon, General Ah, and Boxwood's Comb, thank you to all the treasures who voted monthly and left book reviews and clocked in!

(End of this chapter)

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