Chapter 3179 Same Trouble

"Mrs. Lu, it seems that your child is quite sensible." Mrs. Qian noticed Ye Qingqing who was silent, and took the initiative to talk to her.

Ye Qingqing smiled, "My eldest son is quite sensible, and I didn't worry about him when he was young, but the two younger ones are like the devil in the world, especially the younger daughter, who has too much energy and has no quiet time from morning till night."

"It's different when you are a child and when you grow up. When you are a little noisy, you just get angry. If you get angry, you don't feel tired. Moreover, when a child is cute, your heart can melt. When you grow up, you are so noisy that you are physically and mentally exhausted. You only hate your own brain. Into the water, I am not satisfied with the eldest and the second, so I have to give birth to a younger one to collect debts."

Mrs. Zhang sighed as soon as she said one sentence, and the others were the same. They were all about the same age, in their early fifties, and the youngest children all went to HK to give birth. In addition to saving money, Chinese people also love to have children. What a blessing!

"It seems that the happiest of us are Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Lu. They are also the youngest and most beautiful. We are all old women." Mrs. Wang joked.

Mrs. Xie covered her mouth and smiled, "I'm old too, Mrs. Lu is really young. Mr. Lu must be well nourished. Look at Mr. Lu's figure, he is tougher than a young man!"

"Little young man doesn't have Mr. Lu's demeanor. I heard that Mr. Lu is always good at kung fu. Naturally, his health is very good. Mrs. Lu is blessed." Mrs. Wang winked ambiguously, and the middle-aged women understood in seconds. , laughed in unison.

The old women either don’t drive, and when they drive, they will definitely go to the high speed. They are more wild than men. With Madam Xie at the beginning, everyone immediately became energetic.

"My family is full of food outside, and the family hasn't paid public food for a long time. I don't bother to care about him. I'm going to be a grandma. How can I manage these things? Let him be happy, and one day he will fall to the woman On the belly!" Mrs. Qian gritted her teeth, and she didn't hide the mess at home anymore, it wasn't a secret in this circle anyway.

And it's not that she guards the vacant room alone, there is nothing she can't say.

"I have separated rooms with the man, let him be happy, anyway, the company and property belong to my son, it's useless for me to argue with him, I just don't care, out of sight, out of mind."

"I pissed myself off because of the noise, I've already thought about it."

Ye Qingqing lowered her head, a little embarrassed, she can't interrupt this kind of topic, otherwise it will definitely cause a group of attacks, who made her family Lu Mo go home every day!

"Well, all men have the same virtue. When they are poor, they only talk sweet words. Once they are rich, hmph, sweet words are only shared with vixens outside. When they have money, they will turn bad. There is nothing wrong with that."

"Not all men are like this. We just didn't bump into each other. It's good to be like Mr. Lu. I've never heard of him messing around outside." Mrs. Qian said enviously.

Lu Mo is handsome, smart and capable, both civil and military, and has a sense of responsibility to his wife and family. He doesn't mess around. Such a good man is really one in a million. It takes ten thousand years to meet such a good husband!

"That's why Madam Lu is beautiful. With such a beauty, which man would go out to eat wild food? If I were a man, I wish I could guard such a beauty as Madam Lu every day!" Madam Xie joked half-truthfully.

"That's right, Mrs. Lu is prettier than female celebrities. You and Boss Lu are really talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven." Others also flattered.

(End of this chapter)

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