Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3191 Tangyuanyuan

Chapter 3191 Tangyuanyuan ([-])

"Sister-in-law, will you really bring back meatloaf and meat buns during the holidays?" Yadan looked at the glutinous rice balls in disbelief, suspecting that she had misheard.

Ever since my sister-in-law and her mother had a bad fight a few years ago, my sister-in-law and her mother have separated, of course you can't see it on the surface. Her sister-in-law has always had a good temper, a smile on her face, and she speaks softly, even if she doesn't get angry again Will speak harshly.

Her sister-in-law is a typical little girl from Jiangnan, Wu Nong said softly, even if she is a woman, she sounds numb, no wonder her brother is as obedient as a pug in front of his sister-in-law, he dare not point east and west!

Seeing the daily life of Tang Yuanyuan and her brother, Ya Dan was very envious, and also reflected for a while, thinking that the senior she had a crush on in college, the reason why she didn't like her was probably because she thought her voice was too loud.

It's a pity that she didn't realize it at that time, and finally missed the first crush. Now she doesn't know where the handsome senior is, and she is too embarrassed to ask her classmates, for fear of being laughed at. She doesn't know herself. How dare an ugly duckling have a crush on such a handsome man A handsome senior, and also a top student, such a male god, how can an ugly duckling like her be worthy of it.

But Yadan always feels that the senior treats her differently, such as speaking softer, eyes deeper, and smiling more prettily. He would fall in love with his senior beyond his control, but in the end he still couldn't muster up the courage to confess.

Because she later found out that the senior already had a girlfriend, she was a Jiangnan girl similar to her sister-in-law, she spoke delicately and softly, even if she spoke normally, she seemed to be coquettish, she smiled with crooked eyebrows, fair skin, small and exquisite, When the girl saw this girl, she immediately felt ashamed and despised her own inability to control herself. Naturally, she didn't dare to confess her love anymore, and consciously alienated her seniors, and didn't want to stimulate herself anymore.

The girl's heart is a little bitter. It has been several years since she graduated, but she still can't forget her senior, fearing that she will sink even more, so she resists not to inquire about the current situation of her senior. Maybe she has already married that girl and had a child?

It's better not to inquire, so as not to be more heartbroken.

Tang Yuanyuan felt the sadness of her sister-in-law, and was a little surprised. The girl is carefree and carefree, when did she have something on her mind?

But it's not surprising. When a girl grows up, she will naturally have something on her mind. Maybe it's emotional. Yadan is 27. There are many girls of the same age in the village, and their children are all in primary school. No wonder her in-laws are in a hurry, urging the girl to go on a blind date every day.

"Of course it's true. After the summer vacation, I'll take the children back to live for a few days, and your brother will go back too." Tang Yuanyuan said with a smile.

Ever since Ya Dan told her, she has been thinking about it. It is definitely unrealistic not to bring her children back to her hometown. She doesn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. For Tie Dan's sake, she can't get too stiff with her in-laws , Don't let Tie Dan be in a dilemma.

In fact, her parents-in-law are very good. Her father-in-law is an honest person, he doesn't like to talk, and doesn't care about things. Every day, he either goes to the fields to work, or goes to the mountains to cut firewood and collect herbs.

Her mother-in-law is naturally capable, but this is compared to some mother-in-laws in the countryside. This standard is too low. Tie Danniang is indeed a capable woman in her hometown. Enlightened, after all, there is no old idea of ​​patriarchy, and treats grandchildren equally.

(End of this chapter)

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