Chapter 3197 Tangyuanyuan Extra Story ([-])

"Don't worry, I will definitely help my sister-in-law, sister Qingqing, don't worry." The girl agreed.

Even if Ye Qingqing doesn't ask, she will reconcile, and every time there is a conflict, it is actually her mother who is unreasonable and wants to play the role of mother-in-law in front of Tang Yuanyuan, which is instigated by the eldest sister and second sister. Sister-in-law, I'm so annoying.

Tie Dan came out with the little bear, and the brothers and sisters, Roubing and Roubao, stood aside, watching helplessly as their parents walked out. gone."

Roubao opened her eyes wide, looked at her mother cutely, then looked at the faded little bear in her arms, and flattened her mouth. In fact, she no longer needs the little bear to sleep. She has grown up and can do it alone. I fell asleep.

But the mother seems to want her to sleep with the bear in her arms, Roubao wrinkled her nose, feeling so tired, in order to satisfy her mother, she still has to act like a naive child, alas!

"It should be almost there, let's go, the sun is already climbing high, and I haven't taken much stuff, why is it already noon, time flies so fast."

Tang Yuanyuan looked at her watch and was shocked. It was already eleven o'clock, and she would have to eat lunch before she could leave. Tiedan rubbed her belly, running up and down, he was hungry.

"Mom, I'm hungry." Roubao groaned while rubbing his stomach.

I ate breakfast at eight o'clock. In the past three hours, I was already hungry, and the meatloaf also cried out. Tie Dan secretly rejoiced, looking at the glutinous rice balls expectantly, "Why don't you... have dinner before leaving?"

Fortunately, two little guys said it out. If he said that, he would definitely be scolded by Tang Yuanyuan. Tie Dan looked at the two brothers and sisters appreciatively. The three of them have always been on the same page when eating.

Tang Yuanyuan sighed, it's okay for her husband to be hungry, but the child can't be hungry, so she said, "Go to the store to eat."

She didn't want to cook even on a hot day, so she went to her father's shop to have a meal before leaving in the afternoon.

Ran Goose, as soon as he entered the store, Papa Tang, who had been downcast, immediately regained his spirits, "I thought you guys had already left, but it's just in time for you to come. I asked someone to get a lot of dried meat, and I brought it to the meatloaf to eat. I also fried some dried fish and meatballs, which the little guy loves most."

Papa Tang's new apprentice was very clever, and he brought out several big bags, each weighing about ten kilograms, the girl was speechless and looked at the sky, and those who didn't know thought they were going to the refugee area!

I brought food, drink, clothes and play, this is not going on vacation, it is obviously moving.

But the jerky meatballs made by Papa Tang are really delicious, crispy and fragrant, the girl salivates just thinking about it, her mother's craftsmanship can't be compared with Papa Tang's, it's not at the same level at all.

"Take it and eat it first. If you don't have enough, call me and I'll send it to you. I can't shorten the child's food."

During the meal, Father Tang kept talking about it, and he was very reluctant to see him. He couldn’t see his grandson for a month, especially the little granddaughter. He would panic if he didn’t see him for a day. Lovesickness, this morning is like a wandering soul, as long as I think that I won't hear Xiao Roubao acting like a baby at night, my heart will be cut like a knife, empty.

"Grandpa, I call every day, it's not uncomfortable." Meat Bun gently stroked Papa Tang's face with his small hands.

"Well, grandpa makes meat buns every day, so you have to eat well. If you lose weight, grandpa will feel distressed."

Papa Tang was tearful, and sighed, the girl sniffed, feeling a little guilty. This was more sad than parting from life and death. She felt like a bad person who tore up other people's grandparents, and she felt so guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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