Chapter 32

Shen Yanhong gritted her teeth tightly, a mouthful of old blood almost spewed out, her lips were bitten, and there was a sweet and fishy smell in her mouth.

Little bitch... What is the difference between closeness and distance?

She knows shit!

Obviously her child is...

Shen Yanhong was so wronged in her heart that she had endured the humiliation for so many years, that's all, but why should her child be humiliated by this little bitch?

"Qingqing, don't you know how I've treated you for so many years? Lan'er and Xiaohua let you go, and they stick to you when you have something delicious. What do you want from me?"

Shen Yanhong shed tears and looked at Ye Qingqing sadly.

Ye Zhiguo chimed in and said, "Your Aunt Shen has always loved you as her own daughter, Qingqing, you said these words to stab a knife in your Aunt Shen's heart!"

Ye Qingqing pointed to Ye Tong's obviously ill-fitting clothes, and said with a sneer, "Where is Xiao Tong? His clothes were made last year, and the trousers were shrunk to the knees. Her own son should see the world and change into new clothes. Tong doesn't care and doesn't ask, is she sincerely treating Xiao Tong and me?"

Shen Yanhong's heart skipped a beat, she really didn't care much about Ye Tong, a fool.

Ye Zhiguo only told her to coax Ye Qingqing well, but she didn't talk about coaxing idiots. Besides, Ye Zhiguo himself didn't care about his idiot son, how could she have so much time and thought to coax idiots!

Ye Qingqing didn't care much about fools before, what happened today?

"I've been a little busy recently, so I didn't have time to make new clothes for Xiao Tong." Shen Yanhong explained.

"I have time to make it for my own son? Are Ye Hua's clothes newly made?" Ye Qingqing didn't show mercy to this woman.

She's already died once, if she lives in a miserable life again, she might as well buy a piece of tofu and crash her to death!

Shen Yanhong couldn't hold back, forced a smile and said: "It's not...Xiao Tong doesn't go out very often, so I will follow Xiao Hua to do it first, and I will do it when I am free!"

Ye Qingqing snorted again, too lazy to argue with this woman, and Shen Yanhong also reminded her.

In her previous life, Ye Tong didn't go to school all day, and spent most of her time at home, just like a blank sheet of paper. In this life, she had to find a school for her younger brother, not to mention learning anything, at least let Xiao Tong learn to live in a group.

You might even make some friends!

All eight prawns went into Ye Tong's stomach, but Ye Hua didn't eat any of them. He ate the soup and fried rice resentfully. He thought the sweet and sour pork ribs were sour, he thought the bitter gourd eggs were bitter, and he didn't even look at the other dishes without meat. I don't even want to look at it, only the soup and rice are left.

This was the poorest meal he had after coming to Ye's house.

Shen Yanhong felt sorry for her son, so she went to the kitchen to fry two poached eggs, only to satisfy Ye Hua.

Halfway through eating, Ye Zhiguo asked casually: "Qingqing, have you been to Lu's house today?"

Ye Qingqing sneered secretly, Ye Zhiguo and Ye Lan really colluded.

In her previous life, she had just announced the divorce at Lu's house, and Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong went to Lu's house to propose divorce the next day. Don't be too fast. In her previous life, she was foolish enough to think that Ye Zhiguo loved her so much that she divorced her.

From now on, it was obvious that Ye Zhiguo had planned it long ago, and he didn't want her to marry Lu Mo at all!

"I'm going, I went to see Lu Mo, he was injured a little bit." Ye Qingqing ate a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs. Although Shen Yanhong was not very good, her cooking skills were quite good, and the dishes she cooked were quite to her liking.

Ye Zhiguo knew that Lu Mo had become disabled, but he still pretended not to know, and asked pretendingly, "Is the injury serious?"

"It's not serious, a little injury, it will be fine soon."

Ye Qingqing's words, which Ye Zhiguo had prepared below, were suddenly blocked, and he didn't know how to answer them for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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