Chapter 3206 Tangyuanyuan Extra Story (16)

Tie Danniang's complexion changed slightly, and she felt uncomfortable. She also felt that although the youngest son was filial, he was even more filial to his wife and father-in-law.

"Second sister, you don't stir up trouble and feel uncomfortable, do you? What do you want my little brother to do to you? Give you all the wealth, and he drinks the northwest wind by himself? I think you are a lack of heart, and you are careful to die!" road.

On the first day when I came back, I fanned the flames, lest the world would not be chaotic. No wonder my sister-in-law refused to come back. With so many shit-stirring sticks around, she would have to be angry when she came back.

Second Sister Niu's face turned dark immediately, and she shouted sternly, "When did I say that I wanted all of Tie Dan's family property? You are talking nonsense. What I said was that Tie Dan is not as good to his parents as his daughter-in-law, 360 five days a year. 350 days to be with my wife and father-in-law, but neither my parents nor my parents, I was wrong!"

Tie Dan lowered his head guiltily, he did spend too little time with his parents, and the second sister was right.

Sister Niu also said: "Tie Dan, your second sister's words are not rude, you can't marry a daughter-in-law and forget your mother. Back then, you were so good at eating, and the whole family was hungry to feed you. That's why you were brought up." .”

Tie Dan is even more ashamed. He is simple-minded and simple-minded. He can only remember favors, not grudges. Should give more.

Big Sister Niu and Second Sister Niu exchanged smug glances. They didn’t come here unprepared. Before they came, the two sisters sat together for a family meeting. This trip must be more rewarding. The small mountain village can’t hold them anymore. Now, they also want to settle down in the county, live in a big villa, drive a foreign car, and be the envy of everyone.

They don't feel that their demands are too much. If it weren't for their selfless dedication back then, would Tie Dan be where he is today?

It's hard to be hungry. They can't eat enough every day and have to do so much work. They are so hungry that even their aunts don't come until they are seventeen or eighteen years old. They are as thin as wood sticks. They are not in good health now. At that time, it was not for raising iron eggs that I came out hungry.

So it is not too much for them to ask so much now, because they are daughters, they are hungry the most, and sacrifice the most.

Tie Dan eats popular food and drinks hot food in the big city, and lives so well. They just want to buy a big house in the county town. Compared with Tie Dan's life, their request is really not too much.

The girl frowned. When she was born, the family had already survived the difficult period, so she had never tasted the feeling of being hungry, and she didn't know about these things, but based on her long-term understanding of her eldest sister and second sister, she knew this The two were upset.

"You have to be ashamed, who paid for the living expenses of your parents these years? Did you pay a penny? Who built the big house in the family? Did you pay for a brick? These years, not only the parents but also the younger brother Raised, you two are also raised by my younger brother, you still have the face to say that my younger brother is not filial? Oh, do you have a conscience, be careful when you go out!"

Ye Qingqing just called before coming here and asked her to help Tang Yuanyuan reconcile the conflict. Everyone outside the family knows that the grievances of the little brother and sister-in-law are so embarrassing. The things at home are not up to date. He doesn't want to work hard to earn money by himself, but thinks about sucking his brother's blood every day, lest the world will not be chaotic and disturb the shit bed.

Fortunately, my sister-in-law and Tang Shuming were reasonable and didn't care about these things, otherwise her brother's family would be dismantled by these things.

(End of this chapter)

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