Chapter 3220 Tangyuanyuan Extra Story (30)

Tang Yuanyuan was a little hesitant to bring it up. She really didn't want to meddle in other people's business. Both Mrs. Niu and Mrs. Niu are not easy to provoke, and she might be treated as a dog's lungs by these two for her good intentions, and she would be angry.

But letting her watch the two brothers get fatter, she also felt unbearable. If they don't control their weight, not only the development of the brothers will be affected, but there may even be other risks.

"How much do Junjun and Zhuangzhuang weigh now?" Tang Yuanyuan asked.

"I just weighed it last month. Jun Jun weighs 172 catties and Zhuang Zhuang weighs 167 catties. They are about the same size." Mrs. Niu is proud of herself, and so is Niu's second wife. The two sisters-in-law are proud of raising such a fat son.

Tang Yuanyuan frowned slightly. The weight was heavier than she expected. Seeing that the two brothers were not tall, they might not be as tall as meatloaf.

"I remember that both of them are the same year as Roubing, Junjun, Zhuangzhuang, Roubing, stand up and compare to see who is the tallest." Tang Yuanyuan said with a smile.

Children like to compare their heights. As soon as she said that the three brothers stood up and stood in a row with great interest, it was obvious that the meat pie was half a head taller than the two brothers, at least ten centimeters, and the meat pie was already 160. The two brothers Should be around 150.

The height of 150 and the weight of [-] to [-] catties are definitely abnormal, and the faces of Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang are flushed, and their movements are sluggish, not as agile as an eight-year-old child.

"Mom, I want a Coke." Junjun muttered in a low voice, he only drank half a bottle today, and he couldn't satisfy his craving at all.

Zhuang Zhuang also yelled, he is also greedy, he can drink a lot of Coke every day, but today is not enough.

After a while, the two children forgot about their promise to Tie Dan, and the girl shouted: "Didn't you promise uncle not to drink? You have to do what you promised, otherwise you don't want to play Transformers anymore."

"The nose will grow..."

Roubao pinched his nose in a childish voice, Junjun and Zhuangzhuang couldn't understand, their eyes were confused, what did drinking coke have to do with their noses, and the cousin was so stupid that she couldn't even speak clearly.

The girl frowned, the story of Pinocchio is basically known to all the children in the city, although the analogy of using meat buns is wrong, but not being honest is like lying, it is a very bad habit, and children must develop it from an early age. Good habits of keeping promises and not lying, but Junjun and Zhuangzhuang obviously have bad habits, Niu Dasao and Niu Ersao have no concept of educating children at all.

If they continue to be raised like this, Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang will probably be useless, and she doesn't want to have two useless nephews.

The other nieces and nephews are not bad, because the material life in childhood was not very rich, and the children of the poor were in charge of the family early, just like she and she were when they were young. The meal is busy, and children who know life is difficult since they were young, are naturally more sensible.

Only Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang have never had a hard life since they were born. After her younger brother got rich, his younger brother did not drift away, but her sister-in-law and older sister drifted away first.

Brother Junjun was afraid and didn't dare to yell any more. Mrs. Niu felt resentful, but Niu Dazhu just lost her temper, she also didn't dare to say anything, kicked Brother Niu vigorously and winked at him.

Brother Niu buried his head in eating, and he didn't care. He only took care of the field work and didn't care about the family affairs.

Everyone broke up at the welcome banquet. Tangyuanyuan originally wanted to help clear the table, but Tie Danniang's performance tonight made her very chilled. She just pretended not to see it, and went back to the house to sleep with the sleepy meat buns in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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