Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3226 Don't Confront

Chapter 3226 Don't Confront

Meat buns and meat pies also clamored to go. Tang Yuanyuan still respected her father-in-law, so she didn't stop her again, and only let her go after repeated instructions. Seeing the brother and sister walking inside holding hands, Niu Dazhu walking outside.

His back is a little rickety, but it is still thick and broad. It is still a mountain for children, and Niu Dazhu always chooses to walk in the shade under the tree. The two children are not exposed to the sun at all, but half of his body is exposed to the sun. Tang Yuanyuan feels relieved , the father-in-law is both practical and careful, so it should be fine to let him take it up the mountain.

But if Tangyuanyuan knew that her real father-in-law would take the children to the mountain to roast grasshoppers and eat cicadas, she would never agree.

The weather is too hot, even in the shade, it is still hot, and the breeze blowing over is always hot. After sitting for a long time, Tang Yuanyuan couldn’t stand it anymore. I was going to go back to the house and blow the fan. There is no need to blow the air conditioner in the countryside, and blowing the fan in the house is enough It's cool enough, and you have to cover the bed with a thin blanket at night. Apart from the inconvenience of shopping, going to school and medical treatment, this place is quite livable.

Ye Qingqing called, Tang Yuanyuan sat down again, and the two chatted.

"How is it? No trouble?" Ye Qingqing asked with concern, the last time Tang Yuanyuan had a trouble before they left.

"I don't want to make trouble. This time there is a girl here, so I don't need to come forward. This girl scolded her sister-in-law and sister last night. My father-in-law was also angry for the first time. He drove the two girls away overnight. Tell them not to come back if they have nothing to do in the future, Tie Dan's two sisters-in-law have also been trained by the father-in-law, and they are not allowed to come to eat." Tang Yuanyuan said with a smile.

But out of the corner of her eye, she saw her mother-in-law, who came out with the baskets she had brought into the house before, looked around, and was relieved to see that Niu Dazhu was not there, and walked briskly to the house of the two sons, only a dozen steps away, very close .

Tang Yuanyuan sneered, and her heart became firmer, so she had to be ruthless.

"Who upset you?" Ye Qingqing was a little worried when she heard the sneer.

"My mother-in-law wanted to send pancakes to my two sons in the morning. She was worried that they would not be able to eat, so my father-in-law scolded them. Now that my father-in-law had just left, she sent them over again. Hmph, I really vowed not to raise a litter of trash. Let it go!"

Tang Yuanyuan's tone was sarcasm, she used to think that her mother-in-law was pretty good, but now she is getting more and more confused, but her father-in-law is more sensible.

"Don't make trouble with her. Let Tie Dan talk about this kind of thing. They are mothers and daughters, so it's okay to say. Where is Tie Dan, not at home?"

"He and Yadan are in the market, take their nephews for a checkup, and buy some things by the way."

"Then just pretend you didn't see it. By the way, how much living expenses do you send your in-laws a month?" Ye Qingqing asked.

"3000 yuan, plus extra money on New Year's Day, so it's about 5 yuan a year."

Tangyuanyuan is roughly calculated. She will give 1 yuan alone during the Chinese New Year, and usually give red envelopes to the elders on their birthdays. 5 yuan is actually not much. Yuan, but if the two elders ate and drank the money, Tang Yuanyuan would definitely have no objection.

Even if they are secretly supporting their sons and daughters, Aunt Niu and Sister Niu are all sensible, don't stir up trouble behind, and Tang Yuanyuan has no objection.

She was angry that these people spent her money, flaunting their power like the uncle, and even provoked her relationship with her in-laws. Hmph, she was so cheap that she would continue to raise these blood-sucking worms.

Ye Qingqing listened patiently to Tang Yuanyuan's complaints for half an hour, and said in a bad mood: "You should have taken measures long ago. You have indulged them for so many years. Are you a bitch? I don't sympathize with you at all."

(End of this chapter)

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