Chapter 3229 A Prophecy

By lunch time, Tie Dan and Ya Dan hadn't come back yet. The village was more than an hour's drive away from the city, and they went early in the morning, so they should be able to come back for lunch.

"Mother, why haven't Junjun and the others come back?" Mrs. Niu and her sister-in-law also came over.

"I don't know, it must be some delay, wait a little longer." Tie Danniang went back to the kitchen to cook. The weather is hot, so for lunch, she simply made some noodles with fried sauce, cut some shredded cucumbers and mixed it, it was very beautiful Woolen cloth!

"What's the matter? The driving is fast, and it doesn't take so long to buy things. Yuanyuan, you can call Tie Dan." Mrs. Niu was a little worried about her son.

Tang Yuanyuan called Tie Dan, and there was a lot of noise after connecting. Tie Dan found a secluded place, and said in a heavy tone, "Junjun and Zhuangzhuang are not doing well. The results will come out in two days, and I will come back to get another test result in three days, I won’t go back for lunch, I will find a restaurant to eat.”

"Did the doctor tell you what's going on?"

Tangyuanyuan was far away, and now the results haven't come out, it's better not to let Mrs. Niu and the others hear, so as to save these two stupid people from making a fuss.

"I didn't go into details. It seems that there is something wrong with the kidney, and other functions are also suspected. It needs to be checked from head to toe."

"Okay, don't let your children drink drinks for lunch, and eat less meat. I think Junjun and Zhuangzhuang are sick from eating, and they must lose weight." Tang Yuanyuan frowned. Not a big problem.

"Understood, I won't let them eat."

The doctor also said the same thing. The doctor thought Tiedan was the parent and accused him of not having any common sense to raise the child up like this. The doctor said that the child must lose weight if he wants to get better, otherwise the situation will be worse.

"Are Tie Dan and the others on their way?" Mrs. Niu asked loudly.

Tang Yuanyuan thought for a while, then said: "Tie Dan took Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang to the hospital for an examination, and the results will be available in the afternoon. According to the doctor's tone, the two children have some problems."

"Impossible, why is there a problem with Junjun? Don't curse my son. Junjun is very strong. You tell Tiedan to come back quickly. The hospital is very unlucky. If you don't get sick, you will get sick." Do not believe.

Niu Ersao was a little more tactful than her, but her face was not good-looking, and she accused: "Why did Tie Dan go to the hospital so quietly? You city people are very particular about what kind of examination the child is not sick or in pain."

Tang Yuanyuan was so angry that she laughed. She took the child for a check-up with good intentions. These two people also blamed her for meddling in other people's business, and treated her as a donkey's liver and lungs. No wonder the world is unwilling to be a good person. Regardless of the mess of this family.

"The doctor said that there is something wrong with the child. You are still talking to yourself. Can you be more patient than the doctor? Really wait for Junjun and Zhuangzhuang to have a big problem. When you cry, some results will be released in the afternoon. You are really sick. Or if we meddle in our own business, we can find out at night, Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang call me aunt, I can't just watch your ignorance harm the child."

Tang Yuanyuan usually smiles gently and gently, and is rarely so domineering. The sister-in-law and sister-in-law were suddenly taken aback, and felt uneasy. Could it be that the child is really sick?

Tie Dan can't be foolish enough to wrong his nephew, can he?

Tang Yuanyuan was so angry that she called Tie Dan again, "When I go to the doctor to see the results in the afternoon, record everything the doctor said, so as not to let people say that we have bad intentions and harm others."

(End of this chapter)

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