Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3237 Children Are Shun Donkeys

Chapter 3237 Children Are Shun Donkeys

"I can't find out now, have you taken my medicine?" Ye Qingqing wasn't too worried. It's normal for children to have a little ailment, but adults also have to get sick. In fact, having a little ailment from time to time is good for the body , indicating that the body is continuously self-regulating, and the body function is normal.

Therefore, in life, many people look sick and suffer from frequent minor illnesses, but there are no major illnesses, and their life expectancy is quite long. On the contrary, some people are usually strong and rarely suffer from colds, but once they get sick, it is difficult A serious illness may even be curable.

Of course, if the minor ailments are too frequent, it is definitely not normal, and you have to go to the hospital for investigation.

"Thanks to your medicine, I don't vomit anymore, and my stomach doesn't hurt anymore, but I just don't have the energy." Tang Yuanyuan gritted her teeth, and said angrily: "I'm going to be pissed off by the three of them. I want to eat grilled worms, those worms on the mountain are so dirty, I don’t know if they are roasted or not, what I eat may be all parasite eggs, and then hatch out in my stomach..."

Listening to Tang Yuanyuan's vivid description, Ye Qingqing on the other end of the phone couldn't help rubbing her arms, feeling uncomfortable all over, so she quickly interrupted, "Stop talking, I didn't see you so talented in writing essays in school before, It’s improved now, but it’s really delicious, I’ve eaten fried cicadas before, it’s really delicious, but you have to clean it up, it’s definitely not good to cook it casually on the mountain like your father-in-law.”

"How dare you eat bugs?"

Tang Yuanyuan's attention was diverted all of a sudden, she really didn't expect Ye Qingqing to dare to eat those disgusting bugs, she bared her teeth in disgust and rubbed her arms.

"I didn't dare to eat it at first, but everyone at the table ate it with gusto, so I couldn't resist eating one, the more delicious it tasted, but it was deep-fried in a restaurant at high temperature, it was safe and delicious, and it was more assured than your father-in-law's. .”

Ye Qingqing smiled, and said: "Actually, many people eat grasshoppers, and there are also centipedes and earthworms. If you really like meat buns and meat pies, you can let them catch them and wash them at home. It's delicious and clean, and you don't have to be a villain, it kills two birds with one stone!"

Children are like donkeys, you can't fight against them, otherwise it will only have the opposite effect, or you can say that raising children costs money and energy and shortens their lifespan.

Tang Yuanyuan's expression loosened, and she looked over at the old man, who still maintained the posture just now, and did not dare to move, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and she was not so angry anymore.

"Then I'll try."

"This is simple, just wash it and fry it until it becomes crispy. You are better than me at cooking, so it will be no problem."

Tangyuanyuan's anger has almost subsided, but she is still worried about parasites, Ye Qingqing comforted: "It should be fine, I only ate it once, those infected with parasites will get infected by eating raw food frequently, If you are really worried, take the meat buns and patties to the hospital for an investigation in a few months."

"Okay, let's talk about it when we go back to Pingjiang."

Only then did Tang Yuanyuan feel relieved, and Ye Qingqing asked Junjun and Zhuang Zhuang again, and asked casually, Tang Yuanyuan sighed, and told the situation of the two children, "It's not very good, maybe I need a kidney transplant, and it won't be until three days later." The result is serious even without a kidney transplant, and the doctor said that it will definitely affect development and IQ."

"Is it so serious? Wouldn't the two sisters-in-law of Tiedan let the two children drink drinks as water?" Ye Qingqing was taken aback. This is much more serious than Xiaohu back then. At the beginning, let the ignorant parents give it to Huo Huo.

(End of this chapter)

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