Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3239 Ignorant Love

Chapter 3239 Ignorant Love

"Do you want to eat sizzling beef? I want you to talk to Dad, and he agrees." Ye Qingqing stared, knowing how to eat and play every day. Fabi.

How could An Jingjing have the guts to ask Lu Mo, they still had a lot of unfinished tasks during the summer vacation, they were all arranged by Lu Mo, and to ask was just to beat them up.

"Mom, you tell Dad that you want to play, Dad will definitely agree, and An'an and I will be your bodyguards again." Quiet is a big kid, and she doesn't want to give up easily. The only one who can make Dad give up his principles is Mom, who uses a beauty trick , Dad must disarm and surrender.

The corner of Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched, and she kicked Jing Jing's ass, "Go and stand on the horse, your father stipulated two hours, hurry up!"

She doesn't want to go out at this time, it's hot and sunny, what fun is there in the countryside, there are many mosquitoes, and shopping is inconvenient, she doesn't want to go anywhere in hot weather, she just wants to stay at home.

After talking on the phone with An Jingjing, Roubao's spirits improved a lot, and some blood appeared on his little face, Tang Yuanyuan felt relieved again, and gave Roubao another pill, which Ye Qingqing just confessed to.

"After Qingqing returns to Pingjiang, she will go to the hospital for an investigation." Tang Yuanyuan and Tie Dan said.

"Hey, I'll just tell my dad not to let him eat grasshoppers with meat buns." Tie Dan said with a flattering expression.

"Your parents have to talk about it. Their love for children is good, but they are too ignorant and always talk about it in the past. Could there be so many viruses and bacteria in the past? There used to be junk food. Well, Junjun and Zhuangzhuang are the best examples, your elder brother and sister-in-law are directly responsible, but your parents are also accomplices, and your mother bought those drinks." Tang Yuanyuan said patiently.

Tie Dan's expression gradually became dignified. At first he thought it was nothing, but now his back felt cold and he shuddered.

In the past, parents asked them to raise their children in their hometown, saying that they were busy with work and had no time to take care of their children. Tiedan hesitated at that time, wanting to reduce the burden on Tangyuanyuan, but Tangyuanyuan firmly opposed it. Fortunately, if the meat is really Leaving the cakes and meat buns in his hometown might be the fate of Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang. Just thinking about this iron egg makes his heart fluster.

He feels distressed when his nephew is sick, and he can do anything with money and efforts, but now he is secretly glad that it is not his son or daughter.

Tie Dan was a little ashamed, he shouldn't have thought this way, but this thought grew wildly like water plants, and was not controlled by his brain.

Tie Danniang shouted hurriedly from downstairs, probably because she saw that they didn't go down, and she was worried about something.

Tang Yuanyuan asked Tiedan to hold the meat bun, and the family went downstairs, Ya Dan was cooking Huoxiang, the wild Huoxiang that Niu Dazhu went to the mountain overnight to pick, the room was filled with a special medicinal smell.

"Is the meat bun better?" Tiedanniang asked with concern.

Although Niu Dazhu didn't say a word, he stared at the meat bun in Tie Dan's arms. Seeing the little granddaughter weakly, without the freshness of the day, he wished to slap his own big slaps. The little granddaughter is used to living in the city. The country boy is strong, and he can't bear to go up the mountain suddenly and make trouble for a long time, he is too careless.

"It's better after taking the medicine. I just vomited everything I ate during the day. Dad, did you feed them cicada grasshoppers on the mountain today?" Tang Yuanyuan asked nicely.

Niu Dazhu blushed and nodded in shame, Tie Danniang scolded angrily: "Why do you feed your baby that? It's not clean, no wonder the meat buns vomit, you stupid old man."

(End of this chapter)

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