Chapter 3244

The three Niu Dazhu brothers were smoking dry cigarettes, and the smoke billowed up in the room. Tang Yuanyuan asked Roubing to take her sister to play outside, and she herself sat at the door, where there was less smoke.

"No matter how much money it costs, my baby has to be treated. Call all the big guys together. If you have money, you can contribute. Don't delay your baby's surgery." Uncle Niu said, he is Niu Dazhu's eldest brother, Currently the speaker of the Niu family.

During the famine, because the iron egg was too edible, he and his mother threw the iron egg on the mountain. Since then, the brothers have had a knot, and this matter has always been a thorn in Uncle Niu's heart. Now that the conditions are better, Uncle Niu wants to make up for it. Niu Dazhu has already decided to take out his coffin.

Uncle Niu also expressed his opinion, "It's a cure. I'll call Tie Shuan to see if he has anything left."

Niu Dazhu's eyes were a little sore. He has always remembered that incident all these years, and he didn't get close to his two brothers, but actually thinking about it now, he couldn't completely blame the brothers back then. Tie Dan was really delicious. He had to starve. In those years, in order to have enough food, father and son turned against each other, husband and wife became enemies, and there were many things about selling children and selling daughters. His two older brothers were not heartless, at least they had raised Tiedan for a few years.

Niu Ersao is not satisfied, the conditions of Uncle Niu and Erbo Niu's family are not as good as hers, they can't be counted on at all, and the big head has to fall on Tie Dan, but these two couples are like sawing their mouths, silent and anxious to death she is gone.

"Tie Dan, handsome and strong, but your own nephew!" Tie Danniang spoke, and she was very dissatisfied with her youngest son's silence, so she took the initiative to speak.

The second sister-in-law Niu was overjoyed, her mother-in-law was so helpful, so the uncle must be able to pay for it now.

Tang Yuanyuan rushed to say: "Uncle, Uncle, Dad, Mom, Tie Dan and I also feel sorry for Jun Zhuang Zhuang, and we should pay for it. We can't just ignore the child's life and death."

Everyone's expressions softened, Tang Yuanyuan's words sounded pleasant, they all thought that Tang Yuanyuan was going to pay, but——

"It's just that Tie Dan and I are powerless now. With the global financial crisis this year, Tie Dan's company is not doing well, and half of its employees have been laid off. The bonus has been reduced by half, and Tie Dan’s money is not enough to pay the mortgage.” Tang Yuanyuan complained in a soft voice, with such a sincere expression that even she almost believed it.

The girl looked over in surprise, when did Sister Qingqing's husband's company lay off employees, and there was no financial crisis recently, what is the sister-in-law talking nonsense about?

But she knew that Tang Yuanyuan would definitely not say that for no reason, so she didn't say anything.

Second Aunt Niu and the others were heartbroken again, they knew nothing about the outside world, even if they suspected that Tang Yuanyuan was telling lies, they couldn't produce evidence.

"Then you still have a company!" Niu Ersao said.

Tang Yuanyuan sighed, "The global financial crisis made my company even worse. I didn't make any money this year, and even lost more than 100 million yuan. I filled in the little money I saved before. Fortunately, I ate at my dad's place." I don’t need money, and I can barely get by, and I want my eldest brother and second brother to repay the money they lent me before, so that I can fill in the company’s holes.”

The corner of the girl's mouth twitched, she lowered her head and suppressed a smile, her sister-in-law was acting decently, if she hadn't worked in the confinement center for a while, she would really believe what she said.

Tang Yuanyuan took out a small notebook, all of which were owed by Tie Dan's family.

(End of this chapter)

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