Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3246 Prodigal old ladies

Chapter 3246 Prodigal old ladies

Niu Dazhu was furious, and he wanted to slap Tie Danniang when he stepped forward. Compared with the men in the village who liked to beat wives, Niu Dazhu was considered civilized, and he seldom did anything to Tie Danniang. This time he was really in a hurry.

Tie Dan and Ya Dan quickly stopped Niu Dazhu.

"You only saved 40 of 38, and you ate [-] in eight years. You made dragon meat? Where did the money go? Tell me clearly, otherwise... otherwise, you will get out of here and get divorced!"

Niu Dazhu was so angry that his face turned pale. He really didn't expect the old woman to be so prodigal, otherwise he wouldn't be a shopkeeper, so he would have to ask.

Tang Yuanyuan looked coldly at Big Brother Niu, who had twinkling eyes, and two sisters-in-law. Where could the money go? Didn't it all go into the pockets of these people, and there were two blood-sucking worms, Big Sister Niu and Second Sister Niu.

"All these years, the eldest and the second child are eating and drinking at home, and they get a lot of money every month to buy groceries." Tiedanniang cried and defended.

"That's not enough to eat 3000 yuan. I have to say about this. Dazhu, the living expenses given by the iron egg wife are for you and your wife. They should respect your parents, but there is no reason for them to help you raise your son. Grandson, hum, the two big families eat and drink every day, and everyone in the village is gossiping, you can’t hear it, but your second brother and I listen to it every day, our ancestors feel ashamed!"

Uncle Niu looked at Brother Niu and Second Brother Niu sarcastically. These two nephews were useless, and the wife he married was even more useless.

Niu Dazhu was ashamed, "Brother taught me that I was wrong, and I will take care of the prodigal wife from now on."

Tang Yuanyuan felt extremely happy, and decided to buy some good cigarettes for Uncle Niu when she left. She had no contact with the two uncles before, and now it seems that her parents-in-law are confused, but the two uncles are understanding people. The two uncles established a good relationship and asked them to help supervise the in-laws.

Uncle Niu said again: "Just eating and drinking is definitely not enough to eat so much money. Dazhu daughter-in-law, tell the truth, where did the money go?"

Tie Danniang glanced at Brother Niu and the two brothers, not daring to hide anything, and confessed, "Tie Fu often asks me for some pocket money, and I give all of the 100 and [-], as well as the pocket money for my grandchildren, Boss The daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law also often spoke, and Tie Ying and Tie Zhi also gave it, piecemeal, and I didn't count it."

"One hundred and two hundred is not too much? How much can you and my father earn in a day? Eldest brother and the others are getting old, and they still need your pocket money? The same is true for eldest sister and second sister. You are really generous, wow!" Hundreds of thousands were given away." The girl was furious, and she had never seen her mother so confused before, and she would float away as soon as the conditions were good.

"I don't ask for much money, just a few hundred yuan." Brother Niu argued.

The iron lady who was scolded like her grandson picked up the tea mug on the table and threw it at her eldest son, "You want the most money. You come to ask for money every few days, and you never stop. So does your wife. The money must have saved you!"

Tang Yuanyuan watched coldly, letting the family dog ​​bite the dog, don't think she will pay so easily this time.

"Stop arguing, Tiefu Tiegui's daughter-in-law, take out your family's passbook, don't try to play tricks, it is your own son who is sick." Uncle Niu showed the majesty of being a family member.

He finally understood that Niu Dazhu must not be able to suppress the big family, otherwise it wouldn't be such a mess, there were no rules and no rules, no wonder Tang Yuanyuan refused to pay.

"Where did I get the passbook, the children need money for school, food and drink..." Niu Ersao argued in a low voice, refusing to get the passbook, she still wanted to keep the money for retirement.

(End of this chapter)

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