Chapter 3255

Uncle Niu called the village head and secretary. They are the two kings of the village. If you want to make a big fuss, you have to say hello to the secretary of the village head in advance.

The lunch is headed by Tiedanniang, Yadan and Niu Dasister. The food, wine and cigarettes are richer than Chinese New Year. Niu Dazhu and Niu Erbo are not good at speech. Uncle Niu accompanied the guests, smoking Dazhonghua, drinking Wuliangye, and Big ribs, the village head and secretary are all flushed, so they are naturally easy to talk to.

"Drinking drinks can ruin your kidneys? Oh, I can't let my grandson drink Coke in the future. Wang Guilan's flirt is not a thing. If she sells poison to the folks, I will definitely kill her!"

Hearing the painful lesson from Junjun and Zhuangzhuang, the village head was so frightened that he woke up from the wine, and the secretary was the same, regretting it endlessly. Now that the conditions are better, the children’s food must be given priority. Their grandson also loves to drink and has to drink it every day. A little bit, drinks and cigarettes are the best sellers in Wang Guilan's canteen, and she earns a lot of money every year!

"I can't say that nonsense. Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang just went to the hospital. The doctor said that they were spoiled by drinking drinks. It would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to cure them. Alas, I am worried about money!" Uncle Niu sighed heavily. , didn't tell about Zhuang Zhuang's wanting to pick a kidney.

He was also thinking about his grandnephew. He lost his waist at a young age. When he grows up, which girl is willing to marry and be a widow?

"Hundreds of thousands?"

The village chief and the secretary both woke up from the wine, felt guilty, and retreated. They thought that Uncle Niu wanted to borrow money from them, so they planned to make excuses.

"At least 30, but I have collected more than 20, and there are still tens of thousands left at Wang Guilan's place. It's all because of this unsatisfactory thing. I plan to ask Wang Guilan for this money back. There must be a trouble. Say it."

The village head and the secretary immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and it’s fine not to ask them to borrow money. They all knew about Brother Niu and Wang Guilan’s affair, but they didn’t expect that Brother Niu spent so much money on that coquettish woman. Tsk, no wonder Wang Guilan Wearing gold and silver all these years has made her more moisturised.

"In the middle, as long as no one is killed." The village head expressed his opinion.

Of course the secretary didn't say anything else, the Niu family of course helped their own family, and Wang Guilan was just a widow with a foreign surname.

With the approval of the two heavenly kings, Uncle Niu was relieved. After drinking and eating, the village head and secretary were so drunk that they couldn't walk steadily. Bottle of Wuliangye, everyone is happy.

"Start work, go to Wang Guilan's house!"

Uncle Niu rested for a while, and set off with a shoulder pole. He was very angry, and Mrs. Niu hated Wang Guilan so much that she secretly hid a hatchet and followed him. Brother Niu couldn't sit still at home, worrying about his lover's accident. Wanting to notify the sound, but afraid of being beaten by Niu Dazhu, he was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Tangyuanyuan was very curious, and wanted to know how Uncle Niu was going to pay for it, so she asked Tiedan to take care of the child at home, and dragged Yadan to watch the excitement. The canteen was at the end of the village, and it was also the activity center of the whole village. There were many people there every day. Gathering here to play cards and gossip, Wang Guilan has long sleeves, is good at dancing, and has a slick face. She has attracted a group of old and young men, and Big Brother Niu is just one of them.

"Wang Guilan, you coquettish bastard, you're a rotten bastard, even dogs think you're stinky... Pay me back!"

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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