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Chapter 3268 The Man Who Appeared Suddenly

Chapter 3268 The Man Who Appeared Suddenly

Xing'er looked at the girl gratefully. Fortunately, Teacher Niu understood righteousness, otherwise her reputation would be ruined.

Mrs. Niu resentfully said, "I didn't splash it..."

"Do you dare to swear in front of everyone? If your slander is a lie, you will die a terrible death!" Xing'er interrupted Mrs. Niu. Rural people believe in karma most. The ghost knocks on the door.

Auntie Niu really felt guilty, but she was a little reluctant to step down, unwilling to admit defeat in front of Xing'er, a junior, Xing'er sneered, and said loudly: "Auntie dare not swear, but I dare. If I, Gao Xing'er, are really like As my aunt said, I don’t know what to do, and the sky is full of thunder!"

Wang Guilan rushed over suddenly, and slapped Mrs. Niu hard across the face, "I'll kill you, you shit-sputtering bastard. If I hear you splashing Xing'er's dirty water behind your back again, I won't spare you!"

Mrs. Niu was caught off guard, this slap was hard, how could she stand it, she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to fight again, Uncle Niu stopped drinking, and sternly said to Mrs. Niu: "Apologize to Xing'er in front of everyone! , if you talk nonsense again in the future, pack up your things and go back to your mother's house!"

Uncle Niu saw that although Xing'er was a girl, she was no worse than a man, and she had a ruthless spirit in her bones. Regardless of whether she was a man or a woman, as long as she was ruthless to herself, she would definitely be successful. Come on, he can't offend this girl, let's make a good relationship for the Niu family!

Although Mrs. Niu was not convinced, she did not dare to resist Uncle Niu. She apologized honestly and admitted that she was very angry and nonsense. I can't stand it anymore.


The girl reached out to help, but someone was faster than her. A man in his thirties rushed over quickly and hugged Xing'er before she fell down. Xing'er, he should have come here earlier, this girl was cornered.

He picked up Xing'er and prepared to go to the hospital. After bleeding so much, his heart was terrified and his heart ached even more.

Tang Yuanyuan stopped the man, and said politely: "Xing'er is just a flesh wound, I have the best trauma medicine, which can quickly stop the bleeding."

The man's expression was alert and his eyes were sharp. He didn't understand the inside story and thought that Tang Yuanyuan was also the one who persecuted Xing'er, so he naturally didn't believe her words. The girl looked at the man a few times and said pleasantly, "Are you the boss of Xing'er? I'm Xing'er." My old teacher."

"Mr. Niu?" The man's expression softened a little. He heard Xing'er mention that she was the best person in the village to her.

"Yes, I am Niu Yadan, she is my sister-in-law, we will not harm Xing'er, it will take an hour to go to the hospital, it is too time-consuming, the medicine my sister-in-law uses must be the best, even the army uses it Where are these medicines!"

The man's expression changed, and he asked Tang Yuanyuan to take out the medicine to take a look. After seeing the medicine, the man's expression eased a lot, "It is indeed the best, let's take the medicine now."

Tang Yuanyuan sized him up and asked, "Did you come back from the army?"

The man nodded, with a hint of pride in his expression, which he has been proud of all his life.

Ya Dan pointed at Tie Dan in surprise and shouted: "My little brother is too."

Tie Dan smiled honestly, looked at the man eagerly, and first reported his troop number and the year of his retirement. The man was very pleasantly surprised. Enlisted in the army, but it is also a rare fate.

(End of this chapter)

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