Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3313 One heart for children

Chapter 3313 Dedicated to children

The cousin and niece planned to go to the station after dinner, but suddenly a beautiful daughter-in-law fell from the sky. She couldn't bear to leave, so she stayed. She had to ask her son what was going on and what the woman's family wanted, so she had to go back Planning a wedding with the old man!

"Don't you all know who Junjie is talking about?" asked the niece.

Shi Junjie hadn't come back yet, she was chatting with Fang Yanming.

Fang Yanming shook his head with a smile, "I just found out today that this kid has kept it a secret. Cousin, what do you think of Miss Gao?"

"It's pretty good, it looks fresh, and it's so capable, and it's a famous college student. My family is very talented." The cousin smiled from ear to ear, but she was a little worried, "I heard that it is fashionable for girls in the city to only fall in love and not get married. , Miss Gao, will she know?"

She and her husband are out in sports cars, running all over the world, and know many car friends, and they have a wider knowledge. She often hears from car friends that girls in the city are now imitating foreigners, only dating and not getting married. People in the world, and if it is not suitable, you can divide it at any time, and then find another one.

"No, just now at the door, Junjie said that he had discussed with Miss Gao, and that he was planning to get married next year, so don't worry." Mao Fangfei reassured her cousin and niece.

The cousin's niece's eyes were all smiles, "That's good, I'll tell Junjie's father when I go back tomorrow, and sell the house in the county seat, and it's estimated to sell for 30 to [-] yuan, and I'll have to trouble you to introduce someone A better house, plus deposits and some borrowing, can probably make up a million yuan, so the down payment should be enough, right?"

"You don't need to buy it. Miss Gao has a house, and the location is good and big enough. You don't need to prepare a wedding room." Fang Yanming said.

"That can't be done. There are girls who belong to girls. We can't take advantage of others. If Junjie lives in a girl's house, he will be looked down upon." The cousin and niece kept shaking her head. Buying a house is a must, and she has all the money ready.

Mao Fangfei smiled and said, "You discuss this matter with Junjie, this kid has his own ideas."

"Come on, talk to him later, oh, my heart is at ease, as long as Junjie gets married and has a baby, both male and female, I don't have to worry about him, and I can take care of the next two little ones with peace of mind."

The cousin and niece are relieved, the eldest has settled down and established a business, and the burden on her and her husband can be lightened, and she can focus on taking care of the two younger ones. Isn’t that how people live their lives, and they focus on raising children. This is how the older generation came here. She and her husband have to do the same.

One generation manages one generation!

Mao Fangfei was a little uneasy. Now her niece didn't know Gao Shengnan's age, and thought she was as old as Shi Junjie. If she knew Gao Shengnan was six years older, would she agree to the marriage?

When my cousin and niece mentioned Master Shi Junjie just now, her tone was not very good!

Shi Junjie didn't waste much time, and came back soon, and was questioned repeatedly by his cousin and niece as soon as he entered the room.

"Your aunt said that you and your partner are planning to get married next year. When? Do you want your mother to measure the auspicious date? Summer is definitely not right. It's better to spend more time preparing in the second half of the year."

"Don't worry about the house. Your father and I have prepared the down payment. You have to pay the mortgage yourself. Let's buy a big one, at least 120 square meters. It's too small to live in. My grandson has no place to live. gone."

The cousin and niece are planning the future with great interest, and their eyes are shining.

Shi Junjie interrupted and asked: "The down payment of 120 square meters is worth millions. Where did you and Dad get so much money?"

(End of this chapter)

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