Chapter 3324 Fines

"There are such big characters written there, no smoking, and pictures, can't you see it?" The staff pointed to the picture on the wall next to Uncle Fang, expressionless.

He has seen a lot of people like Uncle Fang, because he is an old man, he breaks the rules without any scruples, and plausibly says that he is illiterate, and his eyesight is not good. In short, there are various reasons.

Hmph, he will not show mercy, he will be punished as he deserves.

Uncle Fang looked at the wall, his old face flushed, he really saw it just now, of course he can read and know what it means, but he didn't take it to heart at all, and felt that there were too many broken rules in the city, and he had to stop smoking with.

He smokes whatever he wants in the countryside, who dares to control him?

"Comrade, my father is illiterate and has bad eyesight. I really don't know, so let's forget about it." Xu Tianlai pleaded.

He felt sorry for ten yuan.


"Your father's eyesight is not good and you are blind? You can't read? Even if you can't read, you can still see the pictures. A three-year-old child can understand the picture, but you, an adult, can't understand it? Stop talking nonsense and pay the fine quickly. If you play rogue again, I will call the police to deal with it."

The staff got impatient and deliberately frightened them. They hate this kind of unqualified passengers the most. It doesn’t matter if they are in rural or urban areas. He doesn’t discriminate against regions, but he discriminates against quality. This family obviously has no quality, and he will never show mercy. .

The ten yuan was finally paid. Uncle Fang was a tiger at home, but he was very cowardly outside. How could he dare to fight against the uniformed ones, so he obediently paid the fine, feeling so distressed that he couldn't breathe.

When the staff left, they pointed to another wall and said, "Did you see that spitting is not allowed, and you will be fined!"

Uncle Fang was taken aback, and immediately swallowed a mouthful of old phlegm. If he was fined another ten yuan, his liver would hurt to death. People really don't like this city. Smoking and spitting are not allowed, just wait. What's the point, I'm still at home.

Xu Tianlai called Fang's mother to complain, and Fang's mother was also a little surprised, "Why did you go there suddenly? You didn't call beforehand."

"Isn't it too late to make a call? Auntie, Yanming doesn't seem to welcome him, and he can't get through the phone." Xu Tianlai said deliberately.

"How can it be, Yanming is busy with work, sometimes I don't answer the phone call, you can call later." Fang's mother's heart was beating suddenly, why did she think her son didn't answer the phone on purpose.

You can't be so heartless, can you?

"Yanming asked me and my parents to find a hotel to live in. I made a call just now. He hung up after saying this and turned off the phone. Auntie, Yanming dislikes us, right? Well, why don't I pay my mother back? Go back!" Xu Tianlai sighed.

Mother Fang's heart beat faster, and she hurriedly apologized with a smile: "Impossible, Yanming is just too busy, I'll call him and ask, don't worry!"

Fang Yanming finally finished the meeting, and it was already an hour later. He just turned on the phone and received a call from Mao Fangfei, "Your mother called just now, saying that your aunt's family is waiting at the station and asked you to pick it up."

Fang's mother couldn't get through to her son's phone, so she called Mao Fangfei. Mao Fangfei didn't bother to mind her own business, so she talked to Fang Yanming directly.

"Don't worry about it, I'll find them a hotel to live in."

Fang Yanming's face was a little gloomy, and he was a little dissatisfied with his mother. He only caused trouble for him, and he didn't think about how unlucky it would be for his wife to live with a sick person when she was pregnant with a child, and the hygiene of his aunt's family was worse than that of his mother. His parents were not much better, and he didn't want to hire a housekeeping company to do the cleaning again.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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