Chapter 3333

Aunt Fang lay lifeless on the bed, her face was pale, her body was already cold, the room was filled with a strong smell of blood, mixed with the choking smell of smoke, the smell mixed together was particularly unpleasant.

Fang Yanming's mood is very complicated. Although he doesn't like this aunt, he is dear to her after all. She was a living person two hours ago, but now she has turned into a cold corpse.

Death is the most important thing, and he doesn't want to worry about all kinds of conflicts in the past. The important thing now is to find out the cause of Aunt Fang's death, so let's do his best.

"You didn't guard aunt?" Fang Yanming asked sharply.

Xu Tianlai's eyes were swollen from crying, and he was still wiping away his tears. Uncle Fang kept his head sullen and didn't make a sound, and couldn't see his expression clearly, but Fang Yanming always felt that this uncle was not that sad.

"My father and I went to call and left for a while. I didn't know that something happened to my mother. My mother...I'm sorry for you..."

After Xu Tian said a few words, he howled dryly, heartbroken.

"Do you need two people to go together to make a call? My aunt is so ill, you just leave her alone? Your brain is kicked by a donkey!"

Fang Yanming was furious. If he hadn't cared about his image, he would have given this useless cousin a big slap in the face. Now there is no use in crying. If he was not filial in life, who would he act for when he died?

The forensic doctor was doing an autopsy on Aunt Fang, not Mao Fangfei. She hadn't been on a mission since she was pregnant, but was doing the laboratory work.

"The cause of death was suffocation. The blood coughed up by the deceased flowed back into the nose and mouth, blocking the trachea and causing suffocation." The forensic doctor quickly came to a conclusion.

Xu Tianlai's complexion changed drastically, and he cried even harder, "Mom, it's my son who is sorry for you, son is not filial..."

Uncle Fang's body trembled. What the forensic doctor said made him a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down. The old woman was about to die, so it had nothing to do with him. It's better to die now, so as not to waste money.

Fang Yanming couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked Xu Tianlai down, a fake kindness.

Uncle Fang rolled his eyes, got an idea, and shouted loudly: "My daughter-in-law is sleeping in this hostel, and she has to pay for it. This woman must have opened the window and froze my old woman, which is why she is coughing, yes She killed my old woman!"

The old man pointed at the waiter and yelled, wishful thinking in his heart, the old woman would not die in vain, he had to make a fortune.

There was a worker in the village who was working on a construction site. He drank alcohol before work and fell off the scaffolding. The construction site owner paid [-] yuan in compensation. Now that the old woman died in a hotel, the hotel cannot be held responsible.

Must lose money.

Xu Tianlai was stunned and didn't realize it for a moment. Uncle Fang couldn't help but wink at him. Then he came back to his senses, hesitated for a while, and howled, "You killed my mother, and you are responsible for the reception!"

The waiter's lungs were going to explode, she was not easy to mess with, she put her hands on her hips and cursed: "It's all on my head, I will be afraid of you two country bumpkins, yes, I opened the window, but why did I open it?" Window? It’s because you smoke so much that no one can stand in the room, that’s why I opened the window!”

She said to Fang Yanming: "Fang Bureau, smell the smoke in the room. Let me tell you, the smell of smoke was even stronger before. When I came in, my lung tube was almost choked. I coughed several times. I A good person can’t stand it, and this old lady can’t stand it even more, I opened the window to let the smoke smell out, and they wanted to blackmail me, ouch... no wonder they say that a good person can’t do it!”

(End of this chapter)

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