Chapter 3345

The cousin and niece were stunned for a long time before asking in disbelief, "Is your wife named Gao?"

"Anyone else but her." Shi Junjie admitted generously.

The cousin niece suddenly exploded, and said angrily: "Why are you so stubborn? I've said it many times, why don't you listen? There are so many women in the world, you can't find anyone, but you want to find her." , are mad at me!"

The taxi driver was taken aback, and carefully glanced in the mirror, not daring to say anything.

"No matter how many women there are in the world, there is no one I want to marry. I will only marry Gao Shengnan." Shi Junjie was very calm, he didn't want to quarrel with his mother.

" want to fight against me, right? You want to piss me off on purpose, right? I...I'll show you!"

The niece lost her mind and pulled the door suddenly. The driver was startled. Fortunately, he kept an eye on the situation behind him and locked the door immediately. The niece didn't open it after a long time, and the driver let go Tone, the back is full of cold sweat.

"Auntie, please speak up if you have something to say, but don't take it too seriously, young man, don't be angry with your mother, my car is newly bought, so nothing can happen!" The driver persuaded me nicely.

Shi Junjie said some good things and looked at his crying mother helplessly. He didn't expect that after six years, his mother still couldn't get rid of her prejudice against Gao Shengnan.

In fact, the cousin's niece is not so good. Before she came, she regretted breaking up her son's marriage with Gao Shengnan six years ago, but this regret was based on the premise that Shi Junjie was a bachelor.

The cousin always thought that Shi Junjie had only been single for six years because of her, and might even become an old bachelor. She was anxious and guilty. That's bad.

At least she’s still a girl, it’s much better than those unfilial sons who bring men home in the news (my cousin’s unilateral opinion, the author is not biased)

But now this premise has been shattered. Not only is Shi Junjie not a bachelor, but he also married Gao Shengnan and had children without telling her.

How can the cousin and niece not be popular?

Naturally, he has a big opinion on Gao Shengnan.

Coupled with the fact that he couldn't think about it for a while, and almost committed suicide, the niece was more wronged. The son who had worked hard to raise him cheated on a woman for six years. This was the most angry niece.

Her son betrayed her.

"When you have a daughter-in-law, you forget about your mother. The old saying is true. I raised you for nothing..."

The cousin and niece cried and scolded, with snot and tears, very sad.

Shi Junjie looked helpless and didn't say a word. At this time, everything he said was wrong, let's wait for his mother to calm down.

When he lost the neighborhood where he lived, his cousin and niece were still crying, so Shi Junjie had to ask the driver to wait. It was not appropriate for his mother to go home like this, so he had to convince his mother first, otherwise there would be trouble at home again, which would scare the children .

The cousin's niece calmed down a little bit, sobbing, Shi Junjie finally persuaded: "You always say that bulls and sheep are fighting, and the family will be restless, but Shengnan and I have been married for several years. There have been accidents at home these years. No?"

The niece was stunned for a moment, and nothing happened. Not only did nothing happen, but the family has been going smoothly in the past few years. The small supermarket she opened has been expanded, and the business is very good. The two youngest children have also improved in grades. The youngest son He was also admitted to a key university, and his youngest daughter was also admitted to No. [-] Middle School in the county.

(End of this chapter)

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