Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3352 The filial piety of the younger generation to the elder

Chapter 3352 The filial piety of the younger generation to the elder

Other children generally stop funding after they go to university, because universities can apply for hardship subsidies and student loans, and the state takes care of students in need.

Many sponsored children are very sensible. After entering university, they voluntarily refused the subsidy. They worked part-time and studied, and together with hardship subsidies and loans, it was no problem to complete their university studies.

But as soon as He Xiaohong was admitted to university this year, something happened to her family. Her father fell down when he went to the mountain to cut firewood and broke his waist. Not to mention that he couldn’t earn money and had to spend a huge amount of medical expenses. He Xiaohong wanted to drop out of school. Fang Tongtong stopped him from working part-time.

Tong Letian still had doubts in his heart, and asked, "Which university did He Xiaohong go to? Are you in Pingjiang?"

"No, it's Hangzhou Normal University, not far from Pingjiang."

"You didn't go to see her?"

"How can I have time? Recently, there are many cases and I am very busy. I will visit her when I have time." Fang Tongtong actually wanted to visit He Xiaohong, and wanted to know if the girl had any difficulties in life.

She was worried that He Xiaohong was saving too much.

"Next time you call me, let's go together." Tong Letian smiled.

"Okay, let's talk about it later, go eat, I'm starving to death."

Fang Tongtong rubbed her stomach. She has a strong digestive ability, and she is always hungry before the meal time. Tong Letian followed, "Go and eat grilled fish, I treat you."

"No, Xiaobao treats me to dinner at night, and I can just eat something at noon, so you don't need to invite me."

Fang Tongtong refused, Tong Letian's eyes darkened, and he half-joked, "I didn't offend you, did I? Every time I refuse my treat, we are childhood sweethearts anyway!"

It was Shi Xiaobao again.

It's okay to take Shi Xiaobao's pocket money, but he didn't agree once to invite him to dinner, Tong Letian felt a little sour, and Shi Xiaobao was annoyed to death.

This guy is the biggest stumbling block in his pursuit of his girlfriend.

If he hadn't known that Shi Xiaobao was called Aunt Fang Tongtong, he would have suspected that this guy had something wrong with Fang Tongtong.

Fang Tongtong rolled his eyes, "Who is your childhood sweetheart, we are just classmates, I am an independent woman, I can earn money by myself, why should I treat you!"

"Then how can you accept Shi Xiaobao's pocket money?" Tong Letian blurted out.

Fang Tongtong was stunned for a moment, a little bit annoyed, and said stiffly: "Can it be the same, Xiaobao calls me aunt, and he gives me money to honor the elders, you know!"

Tong Letian smiled and didn't say any more, feeling a little more at ease in his heart, and a little proud.

When he and Fang Tongtong get married, Shi Xiaobao will have to call him Uncle, just think about it!

"Tongtong, what kind of relatives are Shi Xiaobao's family and yours?" Tong Letian inquired.

All along he only knew that Shi Xiaobao was called Aunt Fang Tongtong, but he really didn't know the exact relationship.

"Shi Xiaobao's grandma calls me grandma and aunt, and Shi Xiaobao's father calls me father and uncle. What do you mean by that?"

Fang Tongtong automatically omitted the 'watch', and Tong Letian felt more at ease. It seems that Fang Tongtong's father is old, so there is a big age gap between him and his brothers and sisters.

In the evening, Shi Xiaobao and Fang Tongtong ate grilled fish together. It was not a particularly luxurious restaurant, but it had the best taste in the city. Fang Tongtong knew the food in Pingjiang City like the palm of his hand, and Shi Xiaobao ate with her, and knew quite a lot.

"Really delicious."

Fang Tongtong had a great time eating, and milk tea is the only way to eat grilled fish, life is not wasted.

Shi Xiaobao doesn't eat much. He doesn't have much interest in grilled fish. He usually eats special meals that are strictly in accordance with nutritional recipes. They are light, less oily and less salty. He doesn't have much pursuit of delicious food. That's fine.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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