Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3361 Hypocritical Confession

Chapter 3361 Hypocritical Confession

He Xiaohong kowtowed while crying, her face was full of sincere guilt, she cried bitterly, and kowtowed her head. It seemed that she really repented sincerely.

But Fang Tongtong was unmoved.

She is indeed innocent, but she is a policeman who deals with criminals every day. Although it is only a small case of petty theft, the criminals in such cases are often more capable of changing faces.

The villain who was fierce and ferocious just a second ago, once caught, immediately turns into a poor beggar, crying and telling his (her) tragic experience. There are elderly parents and children who are waiting to be fed. Had to do these things.

In short, they are all good people, and they are just forced by the burden of life to do bad things. They have too much helplessness.

In the first few times, Fang Tongtong still sympathized with these prisoners, felt that they were really pitiful, and even felt that the indifferent seniors were too cruel, how could they not have any sympathy?

The master who brought her didn't say much, and only caught the prisoners according to the procedure, because they were all minor disturbances, and they would be released after a few days at most.

Soon Fang Tongtong was slapped in the face.

She caught the prisoner she had caught once again, cried bitterly in front of her, and confessed bitterly that she wanted to change her ways, and even swore on the child who was waiting to be fed at home. Fang Tongtong really believed him, but just after he was released, this guy committed another crime .

When he was caught, this guy was still the same as last time, kneeling on the ground crying, beating his chest and stamping his feet, saying the same thing as last time, Fang Tongtong's face turned purple when he saw the meaningful eyes of his senior.

After that, Fang Tongtong investigated this guy's family situation, and his face was slapped. What kind of old parents in their [-]s, and toddlers who are waiting to be fed, are all fucking shit!

Parents are honest farmers, angry at this guy for not living up to expectations, they cut ties with him, which woman would like this kind of scum, he doesn't even have a wife, where can he have children?

The seniors have seen through this scumbag routine long ago, and later the seniors told Fang Tongtong that newcomers have such a process, the more times they are deceived, the harder their hearts become.

Later, I met similar criminals. Although Fang Tongtong still softened her heart, it was because the acting skills of those criminals were so good, much better than some fresh meat and flowers, and their appeal was also strong. Fang Tongtong really couldn't help but soften her heart.

However, she also learned to remain calm, and then investigated the situation of these people. Facts have proved that what the seniors said is correct, and criminals who often perform exaggeratedly are lying in all likelihood.

Therefore, He Xiaohong was like a clown in front of Fang Tongtong. She was not only indifferent, but even more disappointed with He Xiaohong.

"Sister Tongtong, I...I made a mistake, I know I was wrong, please give me a chance to correct...I will definitely correct..."

"Why did you lie? Your father is good, why did you curse him for breaking his waist?" Fang Tongtong questioned.

The face of the dean and Mr. Mao who couldn't bear it changed their faces, and the unbearable feeling in their hearts became lighter. Even his own father can curse, this child's character is really bad!

"I... I... I have no choice..." He Xiaohong hesitated, but was interrupted by Fang Tongtong, "Don't say things like you have no choice, you cheated me of more than 16 yuan back and forth, It’s only been less than a year, where did all the money go? Use it for eating, drinking and having fun!”

Please take a leave today and update early tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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