Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3364 Cannot condone crime

Chapter 3364 Cannot condone crime

"Why did you spend so much money? Your parents didn't ask where the money came from?" Teacher Mao felt incredible. How could parents not doubt their child's sudden sending home of such a large amount of money?

"I bought computers and mobile phones for my younger siblings, and sent living expenses to my parents."

Fang Tongtong sneered, and looked at Shi Xiaobao. Needless to say, Shi Xiaobao understood what she meant, and directly called the staff who were still stationed in the stockade.

It was connected quickly, and the subordinate who had been waiting anxiously finally got the boss's call, his voice trembling with excitement.

"I found He Xiaohong's house, I have something to ask them." Shi Xiaobao said unhurriedly.

He Xiaohong's face turned pale, and she was sweating profusely. She opened her mouth to change her mouth, but Fang Tongtong stopped her, "You have already been given the opportunity, please shut up now!"

The teaching director and Teacher Mao understood it at a glance, and they were very disappointed with He Xiaohong, and they would never repent!

The staff of the village quickly called back, and he was at He Xiaohong's house, because He Xiaohong's parents could not speak Mandarin, and the village chief was the interpreter.

"Xiaohong sent some money, about [-] yuan in total. The money she earned from working in the Didn't buy can my family have the money to buy such expensive things..."

The village chief translated He's father's words. Although Mandarin was blunt, he could understand it. Teacher Mao and the dean frowned, and were even more disappointed with He Xiaohong. He cheated out of a huge sum of 16 yuan, but only sent 3000 yuan to his family. , Too selfish and cold.

"My waist is fine, but it's a little sore in rainy days. I'm fine at work, so I won't go to the hospital. How can I have the money? When Xiaohong graduates from university, I can relax."

Father He's hoarse laughter came from the phone. He didn't know what his daughter was doing. In his heart, He Xiaohong was still so sensible and filial.

He Xiaohong fell to the ground in despair, she did not expect that Fang Tongtong would send someone to the stockade, no, it was the man next to Fang Tongtong, it was too bad.

It's only 16 yuan, so why kill them all?

Don't talk about a little bit of friendship, what Fang Tongtong said before, about treating her like a younger sister, hmph... are all deceptive.

"Sister Tongtong, I will pay you back the money. I will work part-time to pay you back, and I will definitely pay it back..." He Xiaohong still wanted to get it back, begging for mercy.

"Of course the money has to be paid back, but...we have the final say on how to pay it back."

Shi Xiaobao smiled mockingly, this He Xiaohong has not repented until now, and just wants to escape the guilt, if Fang Tongtong agrees to let He Xiaohong pay back the money slowly, no accident, this He Xiaohong will think of more excuses to deceive people in the future.

This girl has been deceived by the life woven by lies. After living a life of luxury, how can she bear the life of poverty that she used to have?

He Xiaohong felt even more uneasy, Fang Tongtong was better at dealing with it, Shi Xiaobao was too dangerous a man, his eyes were like searchlights, he seemed to be able to see through her heart.

After He Xiaohong left, Shi Xiaobao said to the teaching director and Teacher Mao: "He Xiaohong has committed a crime of fraud, and the amount involved is as high as 16. I will let the Hangzhou City Court sue."

"Once it goes to court, the child will be ruined. Mr. Shi and Police Officer Fang, can we discuss this matter again? How about asking He Xiaohong to work and pay back the money after graduation?" Teacher Mao pleaded.

She still couldn't bear to watch the students get ruined.

"No, Teacher Mao's starting point is good, but will He Xiaohong really change? You have also seen that we have given her opportunities again and again, but she is obsessed and will not repent. We have done our best! "Shi Xiaobao is not soft-hearted.

To be soft-hearted to criminals is to connive at crimes.

(End of this chapter)

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