Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3368 Brother, we will be in-laws in the future

Chapter 3368 Brother, we will be in-laws in the future

On the weekend, Fang Tongtong came home, Mao Fangfei cooked her favorite dishes, and Fang Yanming also turned down the dinner. The couple now just want to know who their future son-in-law is, and they can't sleep well if they don't figure it out.

"Tongtong, eat crab, your favorite food."

Fang Yanming peeled a crab. It's not the fattest season yet, but it tastes good.

"Thank you dad."

Fang Tongtong took the crab and ate it. Actually, she was a little disgusted. The crab her father peeled was not as good as Shi Xiaobao's.

But Dad peeled it by himself, she still likes to eat it very much.

The family of three had a happy meal, and Fang Tongtong was eating happily. Fang Yanming asked abruptly, "You Director Xu said that you often see you going out with a young man after get off work recently. Is it your girlfriend?"


She was so frightened that the crab in her hand fell off, and Fang Tongtong was so nervous that her forehead was sweating, only then did she realize that today's meal is a Hongmen banquet, and her parents have no good intentions!

The same goes for Director Xu. Why is the dignified director like a gossiping woman? She just went out to eat. Is it necessary to make a small report with her father?

"You're not young anymore. Now that you're in love, bring it back for us to see. Who is that young man? Is he Le Tian?" Mao Fangfei asked with a smile.

Fang Tongtong shook his head vigorously with horror on his face, "How could it be him, Mom, please don't mess with the mandarin ducks, please, Tong Letian and I are just friends."

Fang Yanming and Mao Fangfei exchanged glances, if it wasn't Tong Letian, then who was it?

"Who picked you up for dinner that day?"

"Little Treasure, who else is there besides him?" Fang Tongtong's face was calm. If there wasn't so much sweat on his face, Fang Yanming would have really let her fool him.

Known daughter Mo Ruofu, Fang Tongtong sweats when she is nervous, the more nervous she is, the more she sweats, just talking about Shi Xiaobao, why is she so nervous?

"Really Xiaobao?"

"Oh, it's Xiaobao. He invited me to a few meals. Why is Uncle Xu so talkative? It's not like he hasn't met Xiaobao before. He can tell you about this." Fang Tongtong muttered in a low voice.

"Xiaobao won't get out of the car, and you, Uncle Xu, don't have see-through eyes, so you can't see people clearly. Besides, Xiaobao, why are you nervous?" Fang Yanming was very happy after being disappointed.

He can keep his daughter for a few more years, and it's fine if he doesn't get married. It's not like he can't afford it.

Mao Fangfei was dubious, always feeling that her daughter was hiding something, and calling Tong Letian tomorrow, he must know the inside story.

Fang Yanming's cell phone rang, it was from Shi Junjie, the ringtone was very fast, as if urging his life.

As soon as he pressed the answer button, Shi Junjie's anxious voice came over, "Uncle..."


With a clear sound, Gao Shengnan slapped hard, Shi Junjie quickly changed his words, "Brother Fang, there is a big event, a very big happy event!"

After decades of being called cousin, Shi Junjie suddenly changed his name to brother. Shi Junjie was really awkward, but for the sake of his son's lifelong happiness, he would be willing to be awkward no matter how awkward it was.

Fang Yanming was stunned, a little dumbfounded.

What's wrong with the two of you?

Don't you all drink too much?

"Don't worry about it. Hurry up and drink some honey hydrolysis bar. If you drank so muddled, you'll call me brother. I'm your uncle!" Fang Yanming yelled angrily.

"I didn't drink, brother, I really have to call you brother, you know, Xiaobao and Tongtong are dating, and we will be in-laws from now on!" Shi Junjie said happily.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, only the sound of Fang Yanming's heavy breathing was heard. After a long time, he roared angrily, "What did you say? Tell me again!"

(End of this chapter)

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