Chapter 3383

Yu Anning's face turned pale again, she bit her lips tightly, her heart was extremely chilled, her expression turned cold, and she replied: "Since you think I'm hypocritical, you should be more ambitious, don't ask me for money, ask your father to go, back then I asked you to come with me, but you didn't agree, now you ask me for money again and again, and you say such ugly words, do you think I'm a wooden person? Li Qiqi, I don't owe you anything, you are no longer When you are young, stop making trouble like a child!"

After editing a long message, Yu Anning sent it without hesitation, feeling very cold.

Ye Qingqing had already said that she had cancer, but her daughter was indifferent, and said these vicious words to anger her, did she intend to anger her to death?

Yu Anning had to admit that genes are really powerful.

The daughter perfectly inherited the selfish trash gene of the Li family.

There really isn't much to expect from this daughter.

Yu Anning was so tired, she still wanted to live for a few more years, and she really didn't have the energy to continue arguing with Li Qiqi.

Li Qiqi sent several messages one after another, and Yu Anning suddenly stopped being angry. After she despaired of a person, she would not be angry anymore. This is how she is now.

"I won't give you any more money. You can either ask Li Wensong for it, or work to earn money yourself. Since Li Wensong has money to support his lover outside, how can he have no money to support his daughter? You are not stupid, think about it for yourself!"

After Yu Anning replied, she turned off her phone and didn't bother to pay any attention to it.

"I'm completely disappointed in her, I just pretend I never gave birth to her."

Yu Anning smiled self-deprecatingly, she was not feeling well, she felt betrayed by everyone, her parents didn't understand her, her younger brother was in a mess and couldn't help her, and her daughter used her as a cash machine.

Not to mention friends, after working for so many years, she has only competitors and no friends who can speak.

After all, she and Ye Qingqing walked around more frequently, and there was also her ex-sister-in-law Lu Ziqun, what a magical fate.

"It's good to think about it. Anyway, today's children are basically unreliable. So what about filial piety? They themselves are so busy that they don't have the energy to take care of the elderly. Let's save more money, take good care of our health, and improve our health." The quality of life in old age is the most important thing, children... just let them make troubles!" Ye Qingqing persuaded.

Yu Anning smiled, "When you say that, I feel much more comfortable. Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I would really suffocate to death."

"If you are not happy, you have to say it. Don't hold it back. You used to be too aggrieved, that's why you got cancer. You can't be angry anymore. Everything is not as important as your body.

You have to think like this, so much money, if you don't spend it alive, in case you belch one day, the property will belong to Li Qiqi, hmph, just how loyal the little white-eyed wolf is to the Li family It's all back in the hands of the Li family, can you rest in peace? "

Ye Qingqing provoked Yu Anning on purpose, of course the possibility of what she said was quite high.

After Yu Anning's death, the hundreds of millions of property must be inherited by Li Qiqi, and Li Qiqi listened to Li Wensong's words so much that the money was not the same as giving Li Wensong.

"I can't rest in peace, don't worry, I must live well and die after Li Wensong!"

Yu Anning's complexion changed drastically, and his fighting spirit suddenly became high.

She will never let Li Wensong get a penny of cheapness, she thinks beautifully!

Ye Qingqing smiled with satisfaction, the power of love is great, but the power of hatred is even greater, it can definitely support Yu Anning to live vigorously.

"Actually, there is a good way to cure Li Qiqi." Ye Qingqing said jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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