Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3391 Disgusting ex-husband

Chapter 3391 Disgusting ex-husband

Yu Anning frowned, she had no objection to letting Li Qiqi return to China, she cared more about her daughter's character than her reputation, and if this continues, Li Qiqi would be deported sooner or later.

Rather than being embarrassing at that time, it is better to bring people back now and educate them well.

"But it's useless for me to talk about it, Qi Qi won't listen to me." Yu Anning smiled wryly.

"Talk to Li's family, at least they love Qiqi, and they probably don't want her to be bad."

"Okay, I'll find Li Wensong tomorrow."

Yu Anning made up her mind, even though she was extremely disgusted with this scumbag and never wanted to see him again, for the sake of her daughter, she was willing to endure it.

"I'll accompany you." Qi Wenyuan was worried, fearing that Yu Anning would be angry again.


Yu Anning agreed, and with Qi Wenyuan by her side, she felt more at ease and had the courage to face Li Wensong.

Too lazy to make a phone call, Yu Anning sent a text message, "Take a time to meet tomorrow, we will talk about important things in person."

"No time to."

Li Wensong answered very bachelorly, he was busy with his little lover, how could he have time to see his ex-wife, this yellow-faced woman, and Li Wensong hated Yu Anning so much, he took so many evidences from him silently, pried away so much With a lot of wealth, Yu Anning really knows that a dog that can't bark is the most ruthless in biting people.

He can't live with this woman!

"It's about Qiqi, Li Wensong. Let's put aside the grievances between me and you for now. You want Qiqi to be okay, right? Now Qiqi is in danger in country M. If we don't think about it, Qiqi will be ruined."

"Don't be alarmist, what danger will Qiqi be in, she is very good, Yu Anning, you still remember my old relationship, and think of a way to renew your relationship with me, right? I have no objection, but you first show your sincerity Come, return all the stolen property, I am still willing to accept you!"

Yu Anning frowned, she could imagine Li Wensong's ugly face when he said these words, she was really blind back then, how could she think that this man looked a bit like Qi Wenyuan?

This bastard is not comparable to Qi Wenyuan at all, not even his fingers, that is, his appearance is somewhat similar, but now that he is middle-aged and fat, he doesn't look like him anymore.

"Li Wensong, have you ever met someone who picked up the broken shoes that were thrown away and put them back on? You have a mental illness, go see a psychiatrist!"

Yu Anning was too lazy to talk to this bastard anymore, it didn't make sense at all, and Li Wensong seldom took care of Li Qiqi, usually his grandparents took care of him.

She thought about it and called her ex-father-in-law. The real master of the Li family is her ex-father-in-law Li Jingshan. Although this old guy is treacherous and treacherous, he is still quite responsible for Li Qiqi.

"Uncle Li, I'm Yu Anning. Let's meet tomorrow. Qiqi's situation is very bad over there. Let me discuss it with you."

Although Li Jingshan was surprised, he agreed when he heard that it was about his granddaughter. In fact, he was a little suspicious. After his granddaughter went to country M, she rarely called back, and she always asked the old woman for money in private. Something is really wrong.

"Okay, does Wen Song know?"

"I wanted to ask him out, but he didn't have the time."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."

Li Jingshan agreed. He is actually very satisfied with Yu Anning. She has a decent job, strong ability, and a good family background. She is a capable woman with both talents and looks. To be honest, his son is not good enough for Yu Anning.

But Yu Anning's heart is not on his son, but his son is not up to date, spending time and drinking outside, which makes Yu Aning cold, and almost let his son leave the house when they divorced. This method is indeed better than his son. An Ning loves and hates, and the feeling is very complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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