Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3397 My son is more promising than you

Chapter 3397 My son is more promising than you

Li Jingshan and Li's mother were taken aback, looked at Yu Anning in astonishment, and asked in unison, "Anning, you got cancer? When did it happen?"

Yu Anning leaned against Qi Wenyuan, and couldn't recover for a long time. The situation was very bad. Qi Wenyuan took out a medicine bottle from his bag, fed Yu Anning one, and persuaded softly: "You can't be angry anymore, you have to think for yourself. think."

Yu Anning, who had taken the pill, got better, but her complexion was still ugly, and she couldn't speak a word.

Qi Wenyuan put her in one hand, and said to the other end of the phone: "Li Qiqi, you keep saying that your mother violated your privacy, but first ask yourself, have you respected your mother? Although your mother didn't spend time with you before , but she is working hard, and she spent millions of dollars to train you, so you can be outstanding today, all of which are made of money, you can't enjoy the benefits of money while blaming your mother, you That's so selfish!"

Li Qiqi was a little ashamed, because Qi Wenyuan's words hit her sore spot, but she still didn't reflect on herself, and scolded angrily: "What right do you have to say about me? My father doesn't even say about me!"

"I'm really not qualified. In fact, how you live has nothing to do with me, but your mother is my lover now. If you are angry with her, I am qualified. You can degenerate yourself, but you can't hurt me." Lover, you have to understand this truth!"

Qi Wenyuan didn't rush, his voice didn't fluctuate at all, but he was speechless in Li Qiqi's rebuttal.

"Also, don't talk about the openness and democracy there. I also studied in country M. I have stayed there for decades and know the situation there better than you. It is indeed democratic and open, but the real Freedom is always restricted by rules, is smoking vaping allowed? Of course not, it is also illegal in country M, especially for students."

Qi Wenyuan paused, and then said: "There are also those so-called friends you associate with. It's not that I don't look down on them. These people come from the slums at first glance, and they are the lowest class people in country M. They come from middle-class families over there. Children, study harder than anyone else, because if they don't study hard, they can't get into a good university,

If you don’t get a scholarship, you can’t find a good job if you don’t have a good university. If you don’t have a scholarship, you have to take out a loan to pay the high tuition fees. Li Qiqi, if you just want to be a dick in country M, you can really do nothing and enjoy yourself , but if you want to become an elite, you have to pay more domestic efforts. "

After talking for a long time in one breath, Qi Wenyuan paused for a while, and then said: "My son has lived in country M since he was a child. To be honest, the money I earned is enough for my son to eat and die for a lifetime, but my son is very independent. He hasn't spent a penny from me since he was 15, and now he's a student at MIT on a full scholarship,

You should have heard of this university. My son basically doesn’t need to worry about his future. You are indeed excellent, but my son is even better than you, and he has never spent my money, but he talks to me very respectfully. "

Li Jingshan and Li's mother were even more surprised. They didn't expect Qi Wenyuan to have a lot of background. He was rich and gave birth to such a promising son, obviously much more promising than their granddaughter!

No wonder Yu Anning looked down on their son, this Qi Wenyuan was indeed better than their son, and he was also considerate of Yu Anning, what he said just now was so sweet!

Tomorrow will continue, the new book has been communicated with the editor, and the book will be released on the [-]rd of next month, this time it should not be changed~~

(End of this chapter)

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