Chapter 3399

No boy has ever shown courtesy to Li Qiqi. There are also boys in China who pursue her, but they are cut off by their grandparents before they sprout. Li Qiqi, who is too well protected, seems to have lost her protection when she arrives here. The greenhouse flowers under the cover were surrounded by countless poisonous bees and venomous insects, but she didn't notice it, and she was still complacent.

Holding Paul's strong waist tightly, feeling the strong masculinity on his body, Li Qiqi was even more excited and had some expectations.

She was expecting something from Paul.

Paul, who is a master in love, has a thorough understanding of Li Qiqi's psychology, and he is secretly proud. If it weren't for that damn phone call, he would have succeeded tonight, and he and his friends have discussed it. He will try this little oriental little girl first. The taste of young children, and then keep sharing with friends, they have done this kind of thing before, good brothers must know how to share!

It's a pity tonight, Paul is a little annoyed, but he is not in a hurry, this Li Qiqi is very stupid, he can get started in a few days, and sooner or later he will be his bed partner.

Soon after reaching the wall behind the school dormitory, Paul embraced Li Qiqi reluctantly and looked at her affectionately.

"gigi...I really miss you..."

Li Qiqi, an idiot in love, couldn't resist Paul's strong attack, and he fell in a short time. He kissed Paul heartily, and Paul's hands were set on fire everywhere. fall.

The phone rang in a hurry, awakening Li Qiqi, she hurriedly pushed Paul away, and seeing that it was Li Jingshan calling, all her reveries were frightened away, and she adjusted her breathing before answering.

"Why haven't you arrived yet? Where are you?" Li Jingshan's tone was serious.

"Just arrived and was about to call you."

Li Qiqi was a little out of breath when she spoke, but Li Jingshan didn't doubt it. He thought it was because she was walking, so he said, "Hurry up and go to bed, don't go out to fool around anymore, I will call from time to time to check."

Li Qiqi secretly groaned, grandpa is much more difficult than grandma, it will not be so easy to go out to play in the future, but today he finally got away with it.

Li Qiqi who hung up the phone breathed a sigh of relief, and was not in a hurry to go back to the dormitory. Since Li Jingshan had checked it, she would not call again, and she didn't want to climb the wall either. She almost broke her leg when she climbed the wall last time. .

Paul could see what Li Qiqi was thinking at a glance. The little beauty enjoyed it a lot just now. Since the little beauty was so happy, he naturally had to take the initiative. The outdoors also have a different taste.


The two hugged together again, kissing passionately, and they didn't find a place, and it started behind the wall.


Li Jingshan hung up the phone and said to Yu Anning: "Qiqi has already returned to the dormitory, she still listens to me."

After taking the medicine, Yu Anning regained some energy, but she was still not at ease, "Qiqi really went back? Do you want to call again?"

"What's there to fight? Qiqi said that she has already returned to the dormitory. An Ning, don't push the child too much. The more you push her, she resists. Qiqi has her own measure." Li's mother said unhappily.

Yu Anning sneered, "Is there a sense of propriety in smoking? You think too highly of Qiqi."

Mother Li's complexion changed slightly, she was too blocked to speak, and snorted angrily.

"Then I'll call again."

Li Jingshan picked up his mobile phone and called again. It was less than 10 minutes since the previous call, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered. Behind the school in a foreign country, a pair of wild mandarin ducks were engaged in a fierce battle, and they couldn't even care about the phone. .

(End of this chapter)

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