Chapter 3402

Yu Anning was taken aback, and asked anxiously: "What happened? Did Qiqi do something bad there?"

"Well, the school over there said that student Li Qiqi's grades have plummeted, and he was involved in a rape case. The police found out that this case has a lot to do with Li Qiqi.

Mr. Yu, if you have acquaintances in country M, you'd better hire a lawyer for Li Qiqi. This case is rather troublesome. The female classmate who was victimized is a local with a good family background. , She had such a thing, the school and parents were very angry, and they would not let it go. "

The principal's tone was heartbroken. She really didn't expect that Li Qiqi, who performed well in school, would do such insane things after going abroad, fight, smoke, hang out with gangsters, jealous of female classmates and make people ruin her , the current Li Qiqi, the principal can't believe it, but the school's words in country M and the police evidence, she couldn't help but not believe it.

Moreover, in such a big school, there is no need to slander a small exchange student.

Yu Anning was a little confused, she was already mentally prepared for Li Qiqi to be deported, but she didn't expect that Li Qiqi's situation was more serious than she thought.

He was actually involved in a criminal case, and he might even be the mastermind.

If Li Qiqi is convicted, her life will be ruined.

A girl with a dark history, what future does she have in the future?

"Mr. Yu, how did Li Qiqi become like this? The reason why the school selected her out of ten thousand is because Li Qiqi is good at both academics and knowledge, and she is well-behaved and sensible. I hope that after she goes out, she can win glory for the country. The school wins."

The principal was very excited, "To be honest, there are many parents who want to get this exchange student quota, and they are all famous and respectable, and those children are also very good, but I finally chose Li Qiqi, and there is no place for my old face now... ...Alas...what the hell is going on!"

"I'm sorry, principal, there may be some misunderstandings. I'm going to country M to find out the truth of the matter. I'm really sorry."

Yu Anning apologized repeatedly. Li Qiqi really failed the principal's kindness. Now that she no longer expects to continue studying in country M, she just wants to get rid of Li Qiqi from this case. Don't let anyone else know. Leaves a stain.

"Let's go together, I have to negotiate with the other school, oh..."

The principal sighed several times in a row, losing all his old face. The competing schools don't know about this yet, but they will know sooner or later. The principal can already foresee how those competitors will mock him .

That's all, the most worrying thing is dealing with the leaders of the Education Bureau. The exchange student is a public-funded quota, and the country sends you to study, but Li Qiqi has humiliated the country. Such a student was selected by himself.

Thinking about these principals gives me a headache.

When Qi Wenyuan learned that Li Qiqi was involved in a lawsuit, he was also speechless to this girl. His ability to cause trouble increased exponentially, and he dared to cause a lawsuit in a foreign country.

"It's very troublesome. Now I just hope that Qiqi really has nothing to do with this case, otherwise..."

Qi Wenyuan did not dare to continue, fearing that Yu Anning would not be able to bear it.

"Otherwise, what will happen? Wen Yuan, just tell me, I can hold on."

Yu Anning asked anxiously, she had already prepared for the worst, no matter what the outcome was, she could accept it.

That's it for today. A new book will be released on the [-]rd of next month. This book is about to end. The new book is a warm and sweet story that has been cultivated. The countdown begins now

(End of this chapter)

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