Chapter 3408

"That's right, I'm crazy and scolding others, no wonder my wife wants to divorce him." Others followed suit, all looking down on Li Wensong.

Although Li Wensong was annoyed, he still had some rationality. He didn't quarrel with these people. He was about to leave. He was in a mess. He had to go back and wash, but——

"Sir, the bill has not been settled yet."

The coffee shop manager grabbed Li Wensong.

Li Wensong took out 100 yuan from his body and threw it on the table, "There is no need to look for it."

He only wanted a cup of coffee, but Yu Anning didn't order it, 100 yuan was more than enough.

The manager smiled slightly, "Sir, it's not enough, and there are also compensations for tables, chairs, cups, etc. You couldn't get a lot of things just now, and you frightened my guests."

"Yes, I'm in a psychological shadow now, and I don't dare to get married anymore." The young girl with a career before was not forgiving, and she didn't think it would be a big deal.

Li Wensong gritted his teeth angrily, but he didn't dare not pay, after all, he was wronged.

"how much is it?"

The manager took out the calculator and pressed it, and said with a smile, "Sir, the total is 800 yuan."

"Why do you want so much? You want to blackmail me?" Li Wensong's face was not good, and he actually blackmailed him, and he didn't even look at what he was doing.

The manager explained in a good voice, "Mr. misunderstood, the tables and chairs in this store are all handmade in Europe, the price is not cheap, and this cup is also a bone china cup made by a private European, of course it is not cheap, if you don't believe it , I can show the invoice."

Li Wensong sneered, "You think I'm stupid? Serving customers with such expensive furniture and cups? The invoice can still be faked. You buy a cup for a few dollars and issue an invoice for thousands of dollars. It couldn't be easier. I will easily Fooled?"

He had experienced this kind of pediatric deception 800 years ago, hum, don't try to cheat him for a penny.

The smile on the manager's face gradually disappeared. He was a gentle and elegant young man who looked particularly good-natured, but when the smile faded away, his aura picked up.

The young manager took off his glasses, his eyes were sharp, and his voice became colder, "Sir, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. I can find an expert for appraisal, but you will have to pay for the appraisal fee. How about it?"

"There is no need for identification, these are obviously cheap goods. It's not that I haven't seen real bone china cups before. I won't be fooled. No one who opens a shop will give such expensive things to customers. The cups cost thousands of yuan each. , a cup of coffee is only 50 yuan, who would make a loss-making business!" Li Wensong shouted.

"My son likes to do business at a loss. Who told me to be reincarnated? I have a super rich dad. What are thousands of dollars worth of cups? My dad's toilet is pure gold!"

The young manager's tone was a bit ruffian, and he looked at Li Wensong teasingly, with some warnings, and intentionally or unintentionally exposed the Huaqing covered by his sleeves, Li Wensong was shocked, he didn't dare to make trouble anymore, and honestly gave the money , and left in despair.

"Sorry everyone, it's closed today."

The young manager politely invited the guests away, and happily looked at the short message from the bank. If he had known it was so easy to deceive, he should have said more zeros.

"Manager, is your dad really shitting on a pure gold toilet?" A waiter asked in a low voice.

The manager glared, "Stupid thing, if you don't say that, how can you make people willing to pay for it? Hurry up and clean it up, and it will open in the afternoon!"

His father likes to squat down to poop, but he can't poop out while sitting. He has no choice but to nest in the mountain village all his life and has never sat on the toilet.

(End of this chapter)

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