Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3417 Do the last point of responsibility

Chapter 3417 Take the Last Responsibility

"No, Paul won't harm me, the police must have lied to him!" Li Qiqi was obsessed, staring at Yu Anning with hatred, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Li Jingshan was also flushed with anger. Although he valued sons over daughters, he also devoted himself to nurturing his granddaughter and placed high hopes on him since he was a child. Who would have thought that Li Qiqi would be so stupid that he would be betrayed and pretend to be a liar.

"Why do I have such a stupid granddaughter like you, who reads like a dog. That Paul is from a poor area. After a few years of school, he got mixed up in the society, fights, eats, drinks, whores and gambles. Who? You are a girl from our Li family. We have taught you since you were a child to respect yourself, to study hard, and to become a master in the future. You go to degenerate yourself, fall in love with this kind of scum, and get pregnant. Until now You don't know how to repent, you... you... a beast!"

Li Jingshan was so angry that his whole body trembled and he was out of breath. His old face was completely lost by this evil obstacle.

"Then why are you here? Let me fend for myself!"

Li Qiqi retorted angrily, Li Jingshan blushed strangely, and the veins on his forehead burst out, Qi Wenyuan couldn't see it, so he quickly helped Li Jingshan to sit down.


Yu Anning, who couldn't bear it anymore, slapped her hard. Half of Li Qiqi's face was swollen. She stared at her in astonishment, and then became angry. She didn't even touch a finger when she was young, but Yu Anning slapped her?

"Why do you hit me? You never cared about me since you were a child, what right do you have to hit me now!" Li Qiqi screamed.

"I don't care about you? Where did you get the money for food, drink and clothing when you were young? Where did you get the high tuition fees for the interest classes? Li Qiqi, do you think that just playing with you is the only way to care about you?"

"It's not your money alone. Dad is also making money, and he will spend time with him!"

Yu Anning's heart ached, as expected in this white-eyed wolf's heart, Li Wensong was the most important.

"Okay, I'll let you see how your good father loves you!"

Yu Anning made up her mind and released the words recorded at the coffee shop that day. Even if Li Qiqi would be sad, she would let the white-eyed wolf know what the good father she kept talking about was!

"I can't afford the money anyway. If you have money, you can take care of it. My daughter is not mine alone."

"Don't put it so harshly. Even if you earned the money, it still belongs to the common property. Naturally, I have half of it."

"I've been very busy recently, and I don't have time to go to Country M."


Every time Li Wensong said something, Li Qiqi's face turned pale, and his eyes became more and more desperate.

No wonder I didn't see Dad, he didn't come, isn't Dad worried about her?

After playing the recording, Yu Anning sneered and said, "Do you know what your good father is busy with? Because you will have a younger brother soon, your father bought tens of thousands of baby products for his soon-to-be-born son at the mall a few days ago , but he refuses to spend a penny for you, is this a good father who loves you?"

Li Jingshan frowned, a little dissatisfied with Yu Anning's tone, Li Wensong is really scum, there is no need to say these things in front of the children.

"Li Qiqi, let me tell you, the reason why I came here is not to be mean, but because you were born to me, and I have a responsibility to you, but that's all. This time, I will do my best to save you. In the future, you will How I live has nothing to do with me, our mother-daughter relationship is over!"

As soon as Yu Anning finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed, including Li Qiqi.

A new book will be released the day after tomorrow, at [-]:[-] a.m.

(End of this chapter)

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