Chapter 345 Settling Accounts

The old lady squatted in front of the chicken coop distressedly. It was not yet four o'clock, and two of the chicken ladies could not hold on anymore.

The other ones didn't look too good either. The old lady was very anxious, but it was already four o'clock, and if they persisted for another hour, Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong would be off work.

"Give these two some medicine first!"

The old lady couldn't bear it anymore, and fed medicine to the two dying hens, but it was too late, and the two hens died honorably at 45:[-].

Then two more chicken ladies also started to convulse, the old lady hurriedly fed the medicine, and barely breathed a sigh of relief, but Ye Qingqing probably wouldn't survive.

"Grandma, don't worry, Dad is leaving get off work soon, hold on for another quarter of an hour."

Ye Qingqing kept comforting the heartbroken old lady, but she was actually very happy in her heart.

It can not only punish the widow, but also eat chicken, hehe, kill two birds with one stone!

"Put the chicken in a cool place, and kill it after your father looks at it. It won't be long in the hot weather, ouch..."

The old lady said a word, sighed, and put her hands on her chest, probably suffering from angina.

Ye Qingqing obeyed obediently, now that the old lady is at the center of the volcanic eruption, she'd better not provoke her, talk less and work more.

The old lady had sharp eyes, saw the wild vegetable in Ye Qingqing's hand, and shouted: "Where did you get the rhubarb?"

Ye Qingqing was stunned, and raised the wild vegetable in her hand, "Grandma, is this rhubarb?"

"Where did you come from?" The old lady looked very ugly.

"I found it in the kitchen. Widow Sao stuffed it into a pile of green vegetables. Look, grandma, a few leaves are missing, and most of the tubers have been cut in half. This must be the medicine that Widow Sao gave you."

As soon as the old lady mentioned rhubarb, Ye Qingqing knew that rhubarb is a kind of poisonous herbal medicine. After processing, it is a good medicine for treating bruises, but if the fresh stems and leaves are eaten by mistake, it will cause severe diarrhea, and even It will also be life-threatening.

No wonder there are so many rhubarb growing in the countryside, but no one picks them to feed chickens and pigs!

The face of the old lady turned black all of a sudden. The old people in the countryside have passed it down from generation to generation, so the children in the village know that rhubarb is not edible. When there was a famine in the past, some people couldn’t help digging rhubarb tubers to eat, and they almost ate it. die.

The widow Sao wants her life!

"Grandma, don't be angry, let Dad teach the widow a lesson!" Ye Qingqing continued to add fuel to the fire.

The old lady gritted her teeth, took the rhubarb away, and waited quietly for Ye Zhiguo to come home.

Before the other two chicken wives were about to die in honor, the sound of a motorcycle finally sounded outside the yard. Ye Qingqing heaved a sigh of relief and said joyfully, "Grandma, Dad is back."

The old lady's eyes lit up, and she looked distressedly at the two chickens that were about to die. She couldn't bear to let the child not be caught by the wolf. This time, the widow must go away!

If not, she will go to the Public Security Bureau to sue the widow for murdering her mother-in-law!

Hmph, she doesn't believe that the Public Security Bureau will ignore such outrageous things!

"Mom, why are you sitting at the door? It's so hot outside, go back and blow the fan!"

Ye Zhiguo pushed the cart in and was very surprised to see the old lady.

Shen Yanhong in the back frowned, she deliberately added half of rhubarb to the porridge at noon, how could the old woman be so energetic?

The old lady looked at Shen Yanhong coldly, and she felt hairy in her heart. She had a very bad premonition, and Shen Yanhong forced a smile, "Mother, you look much better."

"God bless, I didn't poison you to death, you black-hearted, pimple-eyed bastard!"

The old lady couldn't bear it anymore, she cursed loudly, Ye Zhiguo didn't understand, and was about to ask if there was a misunderstanding, Ye Qingqing came over with two dead chickens, and threw them at Shen Yanhong's feet.

There are still four more updates, I will continue to update, the update is not on time during this period, I am sorry, I will slowly adjust it, but the amount of updates will definitely not be short, don’t worry, babies, and finally give a shout, please Ask for a monthly ticket, please ask for a monthly ticket, the ranking has fallen, Lao Yang is so sad, if you have a monthly pass, please support Lao Yang, the update is guaranteed, happy Lantern Festival!

Finally, I would like to explain that rhubarb can indeed cause severe diarrhea. There is a wilderness survival program called Uncle Ed who eats everything. In one episode, a medical team was dispatched to rescue him because he ate rhubarb tubers. Uncle Ed roasted Let's bake it and eat it, which caused acute gastroenteritis and almost died.

(End of this chapter)

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