Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 36 Killing the door

Chapter 36 Killing the door

Shen Yanhong gloated in her heart, and let's see how Ye Qingqing, a little bitch, would respond, since she had nothing to do with her family anyway, she winked at Ye Lan, Ye Lan understood and nodded slightly.

"Dad, Qingqing beat up the brothers and sisters of the Hu family this afternoon, what should I do now!" Ye Lan pretended to be worried.

Ye Zhiguo's face was very ugly. No matter whether he was in the workplace or in the neighborhood, he was like a fish in water. No one else said anything bad about him. Which one is not a thumb?

Only this girl from the Hu family had a real headache for him.

He can't be beaten, he can't be scolded, and it's a waste of his time and energy to play ruthlessly for this kind of poor settlement, so he usually tells the children in the family not to play with the Hu brothers and sisters, let alone argue.

Why is this girl Qingqing so disobedient!

Ye Zhiguo was so stuffy, he really wanted to find a place to hide, but he was the head of the family, where could he hide?

"Lao Ye, this child Qingqing... is really... what should I do now?" Shen Yanhong put on a worried look, and her tone was even more helpless. This was not an act, she was really afraid of the Hu family woman.

"Everyone in the family is dead? No one is breathing...Zhiwei...Go and smash the door for my mother!" The woman's voice sounded again, and it was more fierce, mixed with the neighbors' comments.

Ye Zhiguo sighed, had to take a deep breath, and walked out.

Shen Yanhong actually didn't want to go out at all, but her husband and wife are easy to follow, and she is the hostess of the family, it would not be decent not to go out, but she can't just go out like this.

She whispered to Ye Lan: "Go and call Qingqing out, let her go out and explain the matter."

It would be great if I could use the hands of the shrew of the Hu family to teach this little bitch a lesson!

Ye Lan smiled slightly, turned around and was about to go upstairs to call someone, Ye Qingqing had already appeared at the stairs, holding Ye Tong's hand, looking at them proudly.

"Ye Lan Ye Hua...all of you get out of here."

Shen Yanhong's heart skipped a beat, "This matter has nothing to do with Lan'er Xiaohua, let me go out with you!"

The women of the Hu family are unreasonable and powerful, what if they hurt Lan Er and Xiao Hua!

"Of course you have to go out too. Didn't you always say that you are a family before? Why is it not a family when something happens?" Ye Qingqing looked at Shen Yanhong with a half-smile, seeing through her little thoughts.

No wonder it is said that it is rare to be confused. It is true that being a person is only a little bit confused. The water is so clear that there are no fish, and people are so observant that they have no friends. Now everyone in the family can't hide their small thoughts from her eyes.

Although I will feel tired, I will not be deceived again.

She would rather be a tired and sensible person than be a muddleheaded fool like in her previous life.

Shen Yanhong was so overwhelmed that she couldn't speak, she forced a smile after a while and said: "What Qingqing said is just a small matter, it has nothing to do with whether it is a family or not."

"You don't even want to get involved in small things. If something big happens, Aunt Shen and your family can run faster than dogs!" Ye Qingqing sarcastically.

A rush of anger rushed up, Shen Yanhong was so angry that her lips trembled, she almost cursed, Ye Lan patted her on the back lightly, Shen Yanhong took a few breaths, and then suppressed the anger.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

She endures!

I will have a 'good life' for this little bitch in the future!

"Qingqing, don't be afraid, I'll go out with you." Ye Lan said with a smile.

Ye Qingqing had already gone down the stairs, and she gave her a blank look, "Which eye of yours saw that I was afraid?"

Don't mention how excited she is now, the aggrievedness in her previous life, even if she killed Lu Qingquan and Ye Lan... can't completely calm her down, now she just hopes that someone will find her to fight.

Hands are itching!

I just found out that the one at the bookstore is so low. I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional. My book shouldn’t be that bad, so I beg readers not to hit it so low, it really affects writing The mood, 4.5 points, has never been such a low score, I don’t know who deliberately blacked me (╥╯﹏╰╥)?

(End of this chapter)

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