Chapter 365 I Stand Up (Thanks to Yijie for the reward+)

Ye Qingqing carefully removed the splint, squeezed Lu Mo's leg, and then asked Lu Mo how it felt.

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Does it hurt now?"

Lu Mo subconsciously withdrew his leg, looked helplessly at Ye Qingqing who was smiling narrowly, and pinched a long silver needle in his hand, how could it not hurt when such a long needle pierced into the flesh?

He is not wood.

"Captain, you will hurt!" Tie Dan shouted in surprise, Lin Shufang and the old man were equally happy, with tears in the corners of their eyes.

Lin Shufang turned her back and wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

Lu Mo was very emotional. In fact, within a few days after the operation, his legs recovered from the pain, but he didn't say it. He wanted to share the good news with his family after he really stood up.

What he worries most is not that he won't be able to stand up, but that his grandpa and mother will be happy for nothing.

"Stand up and take a look!"

Ye Qingqing looked at him encouragingly.

Lu Mo nodded, put his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair, and slowly stood up. The veins on the back of his hands were bursting, and the tip of his nose was covered with fine sweat. Looking at him, my heart rose to my throat.

Ye Qingqing was also nervous, but she didn't show it, she was still smiling. Standing up for the first time was too important to affect Lu Mo's emotions.

"Come on...Come on, you can definitely do it!"

Ye Qingqing kept encouraging, and Tie Dan followed suit, "Captain, I believe in you!"

"Brother-in-law, I believe you too!" Xiaotong yelled louder, looking at Lu Mo with a smile.

Lu Mo pursed his lips tightly, and had already stood up, but his hands hadn't left the armrests, his back was slightly hunched, and after sitting in the wheelchair for half a year, he couldn't stand up all of a sudden.

But today he must stand up!

Lu Mo's hands slowly left the armrest, the movement was very slow, like slowing down the camera in a movie, Ye Qingqing stretched out his hand involuntarily, and stopped beside Lu Mo.

If there is any accident, she can support it immediately!

Lu Mo glanced at her and shook his head slightly, indicating that he was fine.

One foot slowly stepped on the ground, as if it weighed a thousand catties, and finally felt the ground, Lu Mo heaved a long sigh of relief, and smiled rarely.

He finally took the first step!

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and if there is one, there will be two. Lu Mo took the second step. Although he was a little trembling, it was exciting enough. No one dared to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Lu Mo.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps... Lu Mo took one step after another, the sweat on the tip of his nose became more and more wet, and the shirt on his back was wet.

Lu Mo walked slowly, every step was very hard, like walking on the moon, when he walked about twenty steps, Ye Qingqing stopped him and pushed the wheelchair over.

"Sit down and rest quickly, you can't eat a big fat man in one breath, you have to take your time, increase a little every day, and do it step by step!"

Lu Mo wanted to take a few more steps, but Ye Qingqing disagreed, and even gave him an old-fashioned lesson, the old man nodded repeatedly.

"Young girl is right, today is only the first day, don't hurt your tendons!"

The old man was very pleased. He was very pleased that the eldest grandson could stand up again. Young girl is really a lucky star of the Lu family!

Lu Mo is very helpless, no one knows his body better than him, he actually thinks he can walk another ten steps!

After sitting in a wheelchair for half a year, God knows how much he misses walking on two legs!

But he has to obey!

Otherwise, this girl would definitely be able to talk about him all day!

Update the sixth update first, and there are still four updates, Lu Mo finally stood up, be happy, let me congratulate Xiao Mozi with some monthly tickets, hahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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