Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 394 Establish Your Own Network

Chapter 394 Establish Your Own Network (720 Monthly Pass+)

Now that Xiao Li has ambitions, neither Ye Qingqing nor the old lady mentioned going to work in the machinery factory anymore. The old lady thought about it, looked at Ye Qingqing, and said with a smile: "Girl Qing, the quota for this clerk is now up to you." You decide, you can give it to whoever you want, okay?"

Ye Qingqing froze for a moment, pointed to her nose, "I'll decide?"

"Yes, you decide. I'll give you one night and tell me the result before ten o'clock tomorrow morning." The old lady's smile deepened, and she was looking forward to how this girl would deal with it.

Qing Yatou is 17 years old, it's time to teach her some truths about how to behave in the world, how to win over people's hearts, and guard against evil people's hearts!

She didn't teach Nianci and Mingcheng well before, that's why the mother and son died, the missing one disappeared, and there was no good end. Now, while she is still alive, she must teach Qing girl well, so that she will not follow Niancihe Mingcheng's footsteps.

"Grandma, I have no choice!"

Ye Qingqing made a bitter face. If she had someone to choose, why would she still think of Xiao Li?

"One night, don't worry, just think about it slowly." The old lady said softly.

Seeing that Ye Qingqing didn't seem to understand what she meant, the old lady added, "It doesn't have to be friends, you think the character is good, you can date anyone."

Ye Qingqing blinked, and somewhat understood the old lady's intentions, she probably wanted her to win over her for help!

Not too sure, Ye Qingqing asked directly: "Do you want me to be kind to others?"

The old lady smiled gratifiedly. Talking to a smart person is easy, just click to the end, she nodded, "It can also be said that your uncle and aunt and I can't protect you for the rest of your life. You have to walk your own way in the end. .

But don't take the single-plank bridge. People are like spider webs. They are actually a web of favors. You give favors to others, and others return your favors. If you come and go, things will be done. . "

Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, "This is also called a network, right?"

The old lady smiled, "Yes, it can also be called connections. Although you are young, you are surrounded by tigers and wolves waiting for you. You must have your own connections."

A warm current surged in her heart, Ye Qingqing's eyes were a little moist, and she nodded vigorously.

Only those who really care about her will think so far for her. She must not let the old lady down, she must make good use of this spot!

After chatting with the old lady for a few more words, Ye Qingqing left, Xiao Tong and Tie Dan went to play chess together, Tie Dan said that he would send Xiao Tong back, Ye Qingqing was very relieved, and went home first.

Along the way, Ye Qingqing was thinking, who should he give favor to?

First of all, the character must be good, and secondly, it cannot belong to Ye Zhiguo, Shen Yanhong and the others. These two points are the most important.

In addition, you have to work hard, be smart and sensible, you can't choose a lump of wood to embarrass Sun Qiuyun!

Ye Qingqing sighed in distress, it's really hard to choose!

Only at this time did she realize that her social circle was so small, no, it should be said that she had no social circle. At critical times, she couldn't even find a friend she could trust.

Unknowingly, Ye Qingqing rode to the alley in a daze. It was evening at this time, many people had dinner and sat at the door to enjoy the cool and chat, it was very lively.

"Miss Qingqing!" A gentle and pleasant voice came from beside her ear, accompanied by a strong and choking fragrance.

Ye Qingqing couldn't help sneezing, covered her nose and raised her head. The first thing she saw was a large bouquet of red roses, and the one holding the flowers was the orchid referring to Wei Yugang, showing her a charming and affectionate smile.

What the hell!

(End of this chapter)

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