Chapter 4

All kinds of doubts from the previous life suddenly flooded up like a river and a sea.

Ye Zhiguo loved Ye Lan's sister and brother very much, and treated her exactly the same as Xiaotong. Moreover, after her accident in the previous life, Ye Zhiguo only visited her once, and then he never came again.

And Xiaotong's death, did Ye Zhiguo really not know anything about it?

Or... he was actually an accomplice.

After all, Ye Zhiguo in his previous life always disliked Xiao Tong, but loved Ye Hua in every possible way. Ye Hua often bullied Xiao Tong, but Ye Zhiguo never cared.

Ye Qingqing was full of doubts, and thought of a possibility.

She had to investigate carefully, if her guess was true, there would be one more object of revenge in this life——Ye Zhiguo.

Even her own father.

It was her sworn enemy who killed Xiaotong.

It is even more likely that Ye Zhiguo betrayed his mother!

Ye Qingqing pressed her doubts to the bottom of her heart, and directly took away a fan, still not relieved, raised her foot and kicked Ye Hua's fat butt, using her great strength.

Ye Hua rolled onto the floor, woke up suddenly, and opened her mouth to curse.

Ye Qingqing kicked again, "I'll grab Xiaotong's fan from now on, get out of my house and sleep on the road!"

Ye Hua is tall and strong, but he is afraid of Ye Qingqing, because Ye Qingqing is the princess of the family, and everyone has to coax her, and dare not make her unhappy, otherwise Ye Zhiguo will scold others.

"Second Sister... I won't dare anymore!" Ye Hua begged for mercy, but hated her to death.

"Don't call me Second Sister, hum... I only have Xiaotong as a younger brother, if you bully Xiaotong in the future, get the hell out of me immediately, this house belongs to me, remember it clearly!"

Ye Qingqing looked at Ye Hua with disdain, even if her guess was true, she would only admit Xiao Tong's younger brother, Ye Hua, a bastard, was as despicable and hateful as Ye Lan.

Just wash her neck and wait!

Their days are over!

Ye Lan gritted her teeth, hatred flashed in her eyes, and this superior tone again, what she hated most about Ye Qingqing was this, she was obviously just a beautiful fool, but was regarded as a treasure by her parents, who You have to let her go.

Although there was a reason for the incident, Ye Lan still couldn't stand it, wishing that Ye Qingqing would lose everything immediately, and everyone could belittle and humiliate her...

A coldness flashed across Ye Lan's gentle face, she was not in a hurry, this day would come soon.

As long as Ye Qingqing goes to the Lu family to withdraw the engagement, and then marry Qingquan brother...everything about Ye Qingqing will be hers!

"Qingqing, Xiao Hua is ignorant, I will scold him harshly when I turn around, don't be angry!" Ye Lan secretly winked at Ye Hua, with a flattering smile on her face.

Ye Hua resentfully said, "I won't dare in the future..."

Ye Qingqing snorted softly, and left the room with the fan in hand. Ye Hua's room was blocked from the west sun, and it was as hot and stuffy as a steamer in the afternoon. She didn't want to stay for a second longer.

Back in Ye Tong's room, Ye Qingqing turned the fan to the smallest setting, placed it beside the bed, and blowing it on Ye Tong's lower body, Ye Tong's body is weak, blowing it on his head would catch a cold.

Feeling the cool breeze, Ye Tong smiled slightly, he was somewhat similar to Ye Qingqing, but cooler, like an ink painting, peaceful and peaceful.

Ye Qingqing left Ye Tong's room, glanced at Ye Lan who was following her around, lowered her head and sneered silently.

Since Ye Lan and Lu Qingquan have tried their best, she has to go through the motions no matter what!

Besides, she also wanted to meet Lu Mo!

She is still her fiancé now!

It will be her husband in the future.

It will never change in a lifetime!

Tomorrow will continue, the new book please love, this time the heroine is different from before, I hope the little angels will like it, I haven't signed a contract yet, so I can't change the status yet, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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