Chapter 40

Xu Yuetuan came up again, and Ye Qingqing lost the opportunity. She was at a disadvantage for a while, and she was beaten a few times, but she endured it. If she wants to win, she must learn to be beaten. It's okay, and then look for opportunities to kill with one move.

"Bad man..."

Ye Tong screamed and rushed over. He didn't understand anything, but he knew that his sister was being bullied by bad guys, so he wanted to help her.

"Xiao Tong, don't come here!"

Ye Qingqing was in a hurry, she was fine when she was beaten, but Xiaotong is so young, it would hurt so much if she got hurt!

"Kill you... bastard!"

Ye Tong actually hugged a brick, he probably picked it up from the flower bed in the yard, he threw the brick on Xu Yuetuan, but because his strength was too weak, the brick was only thrown at her feet, which scared Xu Yuetuan one jump.

"Kill you idiot..."

Hu Zhiwei didn't dare to fight against Ye Qingqing, but Ye Tong was a child, he was still very sure, and he was about to beat Ye Tong when he rushed over, Ye Qingqing was so anxious, Ye Zhiguo didn't count on her at all, and she was pestered by Xu Yuetuan again, so she couldn't smoke at all. Go to rescue Xiao Tong.

Pippi, who was lying on the fence to watch the excitement, couldn't bear to watch it any longer, he was a fairy, so he didn't take it seriously!

Flying up, Pippi flew in front of Hu Zhiwei first, and pecked fiercely with his sharp beak. Hu Zhiwei covered his face in pain, "Ouch... who bit my face..."

"Hit the bad guys!"

Pippi yelled, flew to Xu Yuetuan's place again, took advantage of her unpreparedness, and pecked her face.

Ye Qingqing finally had a chance to fight back, broke free from Xu Yuetuan's grasp, put her head on the woman's chest, and knocked her down to the ground, before Xu Yuetuan could react, Ye Qingqing grabbed the bricks on the ground and held her hands in front of everyone. Amidst the exclamation, it slammed down hard.

The target was facing the back of Xu Yuetuan's head.


The melon is ripe and red...

Xu Yuetuan rolled his eyes, passed out gorgeously, and blood gushed out.

Everyone was stunned, including Ye Zhiguo who was still covering his lower body, no one thought that Ye Qingqing would kill someone!

Ye Qingqing didn't bother to look at Xu Yuetuan on the ground, she only used [-]% of her strength, she didn't have a concussion, at most she just got a few stitches, if she didn't bleed this scoundrel, Xiao Tong would definitely be bullied again in the future.

Besides, she is also killing the chicken to let everyone know that she, Ye Qingqing, is not easy to mess with. Those children should not bully Xiaotong again in the future!

Ye Qingqing wiped out Xu Yuetuan with one move, and before she had time to catch her breath, she ran behind Hu Zhiwei who had already restrained Ye Tong. Seeing this little bastard kept scolding a fool, her eyes turned red, and she kicked Hu Zhiwei in the back Heart.

"You can't understand human language, right? I'll teach you how to do human affairs!"

Ye Qingqing grabbed Hu Zhiwei's hair with one hand, took off her sneakers, and slapped the guy's swollen face dozens of times in one breath, until her hands were numb, and she had to stop.

Hu Zhiwei had been beaten until he didn't even recognize his parents. He was a veritable pig's head, with blood bleeding from the corners of his nose and mouth, which was horrible.

Everyone was terrified by Ye Qingqing's brutality. Ye Hua, who was watching a good show without thinking it was a big deal, subconsciously touched her face, and cold sweat broke out on her back.

In the future...he should avoid fooling fools!

Ye Zhiguo's lower body was still in pain, but it was almost fatal. If he didn't show up again, he might not have a peaceful life in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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