Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 410 Shen Yanhong is More Poisonous

Chapter 410 Shen Yanhong is More Poisonous

Wei Yugang's body trembled, and he felt a sharp object pressing against his back, and there was a trace of cold air seeping into his bones, and his legs couldn't help but go limp.

He recognized Ye Qingqing's voice, and his legs trembled even more.

It was the tigress's man who knocked at the door yesterday, and today the tigress came again, and this is endless!

Didn't he just have a wrong idea, didn't take advantage of anything, but was beaten like a sandbag by this fierce couple, what evil did he do!

"If you have something to say, I will definitely go with you!"

Wei Yugang was afraid that Ye Qingqing would accidentally send his hand forward in a moment of excitement, and his little life would be over!

This damn girl Ye Qingqing is not yet of age, his death is nothing but death!

Besides, he doesn't want to die, life is so good, he hasn't enjoyed enough yet!

Wei Yugang was very cooperative, and obediently followed Ye Qingqing to the secluded alley, where Lu Mo and Tie Dan taught him a lesson yesterday, Wei Yugang was in a panic, the two of them must have discussed it!

"Miss Ye, I've changed my ways and turned to the right. I will definitely not be in the same boat as your father in the future. Just let me go!"

Once he stood still, Wei Yugang hurriedly expressed his loyalty, and he also saw clearly that the thing on his back was not the dagger he imagined, but just a finger of Ye Qingqing, and he couldn't help but secretly scolded the girl for being treacherous.

Ye Qingqing didn't expect that this guy would take the initiative to confess, she hasn't done anything yet!

"What did Ye Zhiguo ask you to do?" Although Ye Qingqing could guess, she still wanted to ask.

Wei Yugang's heart was even more congested. He had already explained everything yesterday, and he came to ask again today.

He didn't dare to hide it, so he repeated what he said to Lu Mo yesterday, and also concealed it from Shen Yanhong.

Although Ye Qingqing was mentally prepared, she couldn't stop her anger when she heard Ye Zhiguo's shamelessness, her body kept emitting chills, Wei Yugang couldn't help but backed up a few steps, this girl and the man from yesterday are worthy of being a couple, both have cooling functions.

"Don't move, Ye Lan is with you?" Ye Qingqing shouted.

Wei Yugang didn't dare to move anymore, and sighed depressedly. The order of the questions was the same. When the couple slept in the same bed, it was enough to just say no. Why make it difficult for an innocent person like him?


Wei Yugang's heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat broke out on his back. If something goes wrong, there will be a demon.

On a hot day, these two people can't afford to come over and make unnecessary mistakes. Could it be that they found that they didn't fully explain it?

Wei Yugang couldn't help but glanced at the dark place, deeply suspecting that Lu Mo and Tie Dan were hiding there, as long as Ye Qingqing gave an order...

There was more and more cold sweat on his back, Wei Yugang only felt that the wind was blowing, and his heart beat faster.

"It's not Ye Lan, it's Shen Yanhong... She asked me to..."

Wei Yugang had no choice but to confess to Shen Yanhong, and the most important thing right now is to save her life. Shen Yanhong is an old lady, so if she offends her, she should be offended, at worst, she should go to a detention center!

Ye Qingqing frowned, she didn't expect Shen Yanhong to intervene too, it seems that this woman has separated from Ye Zhiguo and wants to monopolize her property!

Hmph, the bitch has a big appetite!

"How did Shen Yanhong ask you to deal with me?" Ye Qingqing asked with a calm expression.

Wei Yugang became more and more sure that he had guessed right, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise today's bones would definitely be lost!

"Shen Yanhong is the same as Ye Zhiguo..." Wei Yugang was vague, trying to get away with it, but Ye Qingqing just stared, and Wei Yugang didn't dare to hide it anymore. Let's be honest..."

"Ouch... I didn't say this, it was Shen Yanhong who said it, don't hit me!"

Wei Yugang repeatedly begged for mercy, but was still kicked by Ye Qingqing to the root of his life, rolling on the ground in pain.

Update the sixth update first, there are still three days left, so the monthly pass is very precious, and the old sheep has to beg again.

(End of this chapter)

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