Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 416 Lu Qingquan Returns

Chapter 416 Lu Qingquan Returns (1320 Monthly Pass+)

"Dad, Xiaotong is going to sign up tomorrow, and the living expenses are 500 yuan a month, a total of five months, two thousand five."

Ye Zhiguo never gave Ye Qingqing living expenses, and he didn't even mention it. During breakfast, Ye Qingqing asked for money directly. Xiao Tong is Ye Zhiguo's own son, and he had to pay the money.

"I'll sign up tomorrow. I've been living in such a muddle that I forgot about it!" Ye Zhiguo woke up like a dream. These days, he was busy contacting the factory director, and he didn't care about other things at all.

Ye Zhiguo looked at the old lady, "Mom, Lan'er's dowry money is ready to be taken out, and I will pay Xiaotong's living expenses."

The old lady had been in pain for a while, and the 500 yuan would only last for five months. If she lived in the countryside, the whole family could eat for a year. However, although the old lady was in pain, she would still do what she promised.

At the beginning, she agreed to use the money for Xiaotong's schooling, and she would definitely not let it go. Her grandson has learned the skills, and her face is also radiant!

The old lady went back to the room and closed the door tightly. After a while, she came out with a pile of money.

"Tomorrow I will sign up with you. It is not safe for you child to get so much money." The old lady put the money into her trouser pocket.

This girl Ye Qingqing has no hair on her mouth, she can't do things well, she has to watch her herself to feel at ease.

"Okay, tomorrow I will sign up for myself first, and then sign up for Xiao Tong with grandma and you. Dad, I need 150 yuan for the book fee when I sign up tomorrow." Ye Qingqing didn't care, she asked about her book fee again.

Ye Zhiguo had already prepared it, and it was only 150 yuan, so he simply took it out.

Shen Yanhong and Ye Lan's eyes were about to burst into flames. It was their money, but now it was used by fools to go to school. Shen Yanhong looked upstairs, and there was still two thousand and five thousand. The dead old woman will sign up tomorrow, and she must go Find the money in the dead old woman's room.

"Grandma, it's not a problem for Ye Lan to sit around and wait to die every day. How about changing her age by one year so that she can get married!" Ye Qingqing had a better idea.

Instead of letting Ye Lan go to work, it's better to let her marry someone, a scumbag and a bitch make a good pair.

The most important thing is that Wei Yugang, the duck king, has a special liking for married women. When Ye Lan marries Lu Qingquan and Wei Yugang sleeps with Ye Lan, the Hulunbuir Prairie will be on top of Lu Qingquan's head.

Ye Lan's heart moved. In fact, she also wanted to get married. Instead of being abused by the dead old woman at home, it would be better to live a happy two-person world with Brother Qingquan.

The old lady believed it deeply, and said to Ye Zhiguo: "Qingqing is right, you find a way to change Ye Lan's age by one year, and I will go to the Lu family to talk about the marriage, and then I will get back the rest of the bride price."

"Lu Qingquan is still at work, how can he get married?" Shen Yanhong was not too willing. Lu Qingquan let the man poke her eyes. very.

"Why not, maybe Lu Qingquan will be back soon!" Ye Qingqing sneered.

Still daydreaming!

Hmph, the dream will be shattered immediately, and the nightmare will come!

"I just took a vacation, how can I come back so soon, there is no rush, let Lan'er find a job!" Ye Zhiguo disagreed, Ye Lan still has half a year to turn [-], so there is no need to change her age.

Ye Qingqing sneered silently, and said no more, Lu Qingquan didn't have much money on him, so he couldn't last a few days outside, the nightmare was coming soon!

At the same time, the disgraced Lu Qingquan got off the train and bought instant noodles with the last dollar on his body, but he couldn't find a dime after searching all over his body. Lu Qingquan looked at the busy traffic on the street and didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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